Donald Trump

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Right, so the Democrats are not going to be responsible for the implosion? It's their bill. Literally no Republican had voted for it.

@bluethrunthru it's not a win for him ATM- but it would strengthen his position once he eventually gets a replacement plan to sign probably within the next year. The thing is, had this bill passed, the CBO report claimed premiums would still increase for 1-2 years. Trump would have owned that, but now he's not responsible for this healthcare bankrupting Americans.

By the way, much like what has happened Obama needed the first Phase passing and with no Rep support put it through anyway. I don't believe he ever got to pass legislation on the insurance premium effect because of many concessions given to pass the bill in the first place.

The simple solution is to fix that problem.

If they wanted to.
By the way, much like what has happened Obama needed the first Phase passing and with no Rep support put it through anyway. I don't believe he ever got to pass legislation on the insurance premium effect because of many concessions given to pass the bill in the first place.

The simple solution is to fix that problem.

If they wanted to.
So many people think the ACA was the be all and end all, but it was MEANT as a first step! It was NEVER ABOUT REFORMING HEALTHCARE, IT WAS AN INSURANCE REFORM BILL!!

So, what has happened? The INSURERS have spent the last few years trying to get around what was supposed to happen, and LEGISLATION was supposed to EITHER stop that from happening or remove the big insurers' favorite things and bring them to heel. Instead, with Republicans in charge, insurers can run amok, withdraw service from different states for different reasons and generally do whatever they please...THAT IS WHAT NEEDS FIXING!

The whole "Repeal and Replace" argument is nonsense, because it is onyl a few, key proponents of the Plan that the R's want to repeal, and then they don't have anything to replace it with BECAUSE IT WAS A TOTAL FRAMEWORK OF ISSUES THAT WORK IN CONCERT WITH EACH OTHER. Remove one thing, and it has an adverse effect in another. For SIX LONG YEARS R's have known this, have tried to repeal it over 50 times, have never had the votes, and yet now that they own the show, they STILL can't get their shit in one bag! The irony of the matter is that they can't agree on anything, because the R's run the gamut from relatively Centrist to Far Right "Don't tread on me" Tea Party activists who want it gone...lock, stock and barrel and rugged individualism and leeches as the main healthcare plan for America!

What is clear is that R's don't understand the term "insurance" and the fact that it works by having the biggest pool possible to cover the widest possible outcomes, such that everyone pays something for coverage and then those few that get really sick are covered. Because we don't know exactly who will get sick or how badly, we all share the cost knowing it will be far less expensive than if we had to cover it all ourselves!

Trump WAS in favor of single payer. To appease his voters, he has to act like ObamaCare is the devil's work and Ryan will find something better. Well, guess what? He hasn't! Boo fucking hoo! Now, they need to go back, find some MODERATE Reps & Dems that can work together to FIX THE PROGRAM.

R's & D's WORKING TOGETHER TO IMPROVE LIFE FOR AMERICANS?? What next, cats and dogs living together?!
A cheap shot I know but I can't resist...

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9 Feb 2016
We will immediately repeal and replace ObamaCare - and nobody can do that like me. We will save $'s and have much better healthcare!
Not a cheap shot. It goes to the heart of his vanity - he had no idea how to do what he promised. It's complicated. Who knew?

After less than 100 days:
"If Republicans and Democrats get together we can have a better bill." The Donald has spoken!
People taking the piss out of the skin colour of the POTUS is funny.

We should have done that with the last one. Oh, wait.
difference is Trump chooses his colour by means of sunbathing / sunbed - Obama WAS the colour skin that he was.
So is it ok to take the piss out of cross dressers etc for choosing to wear the opposite genders clothes?

Not sure why people who are anti Trump always resort to the lowest of the low attacking children (Barron is defo a rapist right guyz??) etc yet try and take the moral high ground if a right winger makes a comment about gender issues etc.
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