Shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort (Las Vegas)

There is nothing a burglar hates more than the sound of a shotgun shell/gun round being chambered! Unfortunately, any burglar who gets into my house won't even hear that, as it is already in there. He will hear one thing..."I am armed and I will kill you! Leave now!" If that doesn't do the trick, then I can't fix stupid, but I can fix dangerous to me and my family.
I'm not sure the shotgun shell will worry them too much if they come in with an assault rifle. Maybe you need a proper gun emplacement at the top of the stairs with sandbags around it.

Honestly, this whole America gun thing is nothing more than male overcompensation.
There is nothing a burglar hates more than the sound of a shotgun shell/gun round being chambered! Unfortunately, any burglar who gets into my house won't even hear that, as it is already in there.

Oscar, is that you?
I'm pretty sure you won't lose control of your car and plough down dozens of pedestrians, but you could! All it would take is a brake failure on a steep SF street and you're there! Lose your brakes in the Stockton tunnel and Union Square has a massacre on its hands!

I'm telling you that I have a gun for home defence and you are acting like I'm some kind of gun nutter?! Your SF fog is showing!

Not the same. Cars have a demonstrable private and public benefit. Periodic accidents and societal risks can be balanced with the good they do. Guns are designed quite specifically to hurt, maim, injure and kill their targets. They have NO other purpose. Chainsaw, axes, knives, other things than can be used as weapons have alternative uses and are designed to other things. Guns aren't.

I do not for a second believe you are any kind of nutter -- and I especially respect and am even jealous of airline pilots. But guns should be THE most highly-regulated and controlled goods purchase anyone can make. I am not arguing for banning them. But any gun owner who doesn't agree that they should be subject to a massively higher level of control cares less about the safety of fellow human beings than I do.
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And the point the poster was making is that ‘bad shoot’ wouldn’t have happened if no one had guns. We have wankers in our police force as well, the worst they can do is give people a kicking or tazer them. The poster I agreed with is bang on with reference to the fact that all the training in the world doesn’t stop mistakes happening. The problem is a mistake with a gun can rarely be rectified after the fact. It’s pretty final.
Hey man, if you think you can effect the repeal of 2A, knock yourself out! You are arguing about a world that doesn't exist. I LIVE in the real world, where the guy I walk past in the street may be carrying a gun! How's the sunset in the Middle East tonight?
Not the same. Cars have a demonstrable private and public benefit. Periodic accidents and societal risks can be balanced with the good they do. Guns are designed quite specifically to hurt, maim, injure and kill their targets. They have NO other purpose. Chainsaw, axes, knives, other things than can be used as weapons have alternative uses and are designed to other things. Guns aren't.

I do not for a second believe you are any kind of nutter -- and I especially respect and am even jealous of airline pilots. But guns should be THE most highly-regulated and controlled goods purchase anyone can make. I am not arguing for banning them. But any gun owner who doesn't agree that they should be subject to a massively higher level of control cares less about the safety of fellow human beings than I do.
I'm with you, man! Problem is the bad guys already have them, have ready access to them, and for a baggie can get more! I'm just trying to protect myself from the nutters, which creates a conundrum. I get it. Problem is, every responsible citizen will tell you that as soon as you can get them out of the hands of bad guys, and actually enforce the gun laws already on the books, you can have mine. Until then, I'd be a sucker to give up my legal weapon.

Dog, meet tail. Run!
Where as I’ve already posted the stats that 0.01% of people that own guns for protection ever get burgled where as the other other 99.9% are 4 times as likely to injure themselves or someone else with their gun than actually defend themselves.

Just say it, you like guns. You like their power. You don’t want to lose them. No one is gonna argue against that point as it’s your real opinion. The self defence argument is, for 99.9% of people, not valid.
see PM.
I'm with you, man! Problem is the bad guys already have them, have ready access to them, and for a baggie can get more! I'm just trying to protect myself from the nutters, which creates a conundrum. I get it. Problem is, every responsible citizen will tell you that as soon as you can get them out of the hands of bad guys, and actually enforce the gun laws already on the books, you can have mine. Until then, I'd be a sucker to give up my legal weapon.

Dog, meet tail. Run!

I'd say you are a sucker to have opened yourself up to a level of potential fatal accident risk because of fear of an even more unlikely event of home invasion.
I'd say you are a sucker to have opened yourself up to a level of potential fatal accident risk because of fear of an even more unlikely event of home invasion.
I can live with that. As with my job, I rely on training to protect myself from negative outcomes.
Ah the dreaded home invasion. Locks and decent alarm systems usually seem to be doing a better job at keeping burglars at bay though.
Also, most burglaries seem to take place between 10 am and 3pm, so you're likely not even home to shoot anyone.
You are wrong. I'll leave it at that.

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