Minimum Alcohol Pricing in Scotland

50p per unit, so a 70cl bottle of whisky cant be sold for less than £14, or gin for less than £13 (can pick up Tesco own brand for £10)
Think it will hit beers/wine more as wine cant be cheaper than a fiver (which would be shite anyway)
Won’t this mean more sales for the brands. As in they won’t be required to increase their prices but the shit brands will. So tesco own will be the same price as Jack Daniels or Gordon’s or whatever or will they just jack the price up on them. Which is more likely.
Is this an attempt by wee Nicky Cranky to save the Scottish race or just another cash gather at the expense of the poor piss heads.
Is it the saviour of pubs. They now become an alternative.

I think all prices will go up thanks to this, and alcoholics will do without other things. Pubs would need to price about £1.50 a pint to get near, the 3 for a fiver bottles won't be affected in supermarkets, just most cans.
This is scandalous really.

How dare the Government impose price fixing on consumer goods like this in a completely unproven, Hail Mary fix to substance abuse problems?

It's beer this so people dont think it through. Imagine it was heroin.

Imagine the Government decided that the way to fix the heroin epidemic that's leading to crime, poverty and desperation is to make it even more expensive and out of reach for addicts rather than attacking the root cause of binge drinking and addiction?

Because prohibition has worked so well in the past. Idiots.

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