Donald Trump

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I reckon he should go to NK yeah, then they kidnap him and we send in a grizzled Gerrard Butler who recently left the secret service after failing at his job. He gets the call just as he is looking at a bottle of whisky whilst holding a gun with just one bullet in it and a tear in his eye.

Liam Neeson could play Gerrard Butler in the film
So Trump applies pressure, uses heavy language about war, reaffirms the will to use nuclear weapons etc. The result - Kim Jong Un stops his nuclear program and peace talks can begin.

Ah the beauty of a nuclear deterrent eh!
Kim would never fire a missile. Gives away every leverage point he'd ever had, and his nation would be overrun in a week. Much smarter for him to do exactly this, and Trump has fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Gives a meeting based on absolutely nothing. But a wonderful distraction from all-time low opinion polls, Stormy Daniels, Mueller, etc. Which, of course, Kim knows.

Agreed. I was referring to the test missiles. NK nukes are bargaining chips to get a seat at the big boys table and a summit with a US President is the jackpot. Big hurdle is where do you hold the sit down. Can’t see Kim leaving NK as he will be wary of a move against him in his absence and making a US President come to him would be bad optics for the US (although not sure Trump will care or even understand) as it rewards ‘rogue behaviour’. Don’t have nukes then we’ll waltz in and take your country apart. Have nukes and get a nice chat and a sit down. But then this is the real world and ‘rogue behaviour’ is often rewarded.

The fact that South Korea announced this gives the US room to slow play this and I suspect the people round Trump will do this.
That's pretty much how I saw it. The workers get their bump, and safer jobs (possibly more jobs).
Lots of things may go up, but very few things are going to increase dramatically. A 25% steel price increase isn't going to make a car price go up 25%.

I also suspect that, given the exemptions that are being thrown around, it's not going to be as dramatic as it is being sold as, just like many Big Policy Announcements in politics.

By the time everyone has negotiated their exemption there will be minimal impact and little to no increase in steel jobs. It’s all about the headlines with Trump. Ultimately in the long run it may also see the removal of the Presidential right to impose tariffs by Congress who gave the President the power in the first place. The one saving grace of electing a moron is the opportunity to look at the powers ceded to the executive by the legislature over the years and readdress the balance.
1) his base, the 35% still supporting him, are idiots.

2) he won’t last a full term let alone 2.

I'm with you in on this. He could even get the full 2 terms. He's still laying well to the people that voted home in. He knows all they are bothered about is a secure job and he's promising them new jobs created by the new tarrifs.
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