Liverpool (h) - CL QF post match thread

A great team effort but at the moment we are like a boat with a bad leak -at some point you know its going to end badly. Ederson and Ota have to take a hard look at themselves in these past 3 games.
I lost times of the number of crosses/corners that never got past the first defender. Silva has been particularly guilty in both ties of just trying little hollywood flicks and dinks to no one in the box. They had 5 men back with 4 in front it looked like we had no plan on how to get through it other than run along the edge and try to scoop a hopeful ball in.
Disappointing to go out ,great team spirit but no plan on how to unlock them. They showed how easy it easy to score a couple of goals from maybe 3 chances.
Very disappointed and have been given away way too many cheap goals but its impossible to look past the referees. Two goals wrongly ruled out and one offside goal that they scored. That's three bloody goals and will affect the mentality as well as the scoreline. Joke.
Gave it a go and it was always a long shot. Some poor defensive performances and two very sloppy goals. We didn’t look at it from the minute the second half kicked in.

No complaints overall though. Liverpool deserved to win over the 2 legs. That first leg killed us
Played well in first half but yet again let down by poor defending....we gave them both goals....especially the second with ottomendi

The game was virtually lost with a poor first half at anfield

Just get the league need to rest players or play players out of position (Laporte at fullback looks very vulnerable

Thought sterling was amazing tonight and along with Silva our best player. Mentions also to Ferna who was great

Sane, Jesus - neither offer enough consistently at present GJ works hard and links play but other than tap ins never looks like scoring. Sane needs to up his work rate consistently. He has periods in games where he isn't putting th work in that Pep demands.

Less said about Ottomendi the better...individually resposnible for 3 goals in the last two games

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