Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

A rent is payable to the Council who own the stadium, however it was originally financed by Sport England who would have to be repaid if the stadium was sold.
For those that don't know, there's a walkway which starts next to the entrance to the tram (Ashton side) at City Square. It follows the tram track down the hill into Ancoats. Then simply turn right on Gt Ancoats St and you're as good as in Picadilly. The whole stroll is appx 30-40 minutes? I've never timed it but it can't be that far off. That's got to be better than standing around like a lemon for a similar amount of time waiting to get on a packed tram and paying for the privelege.
We sit in the north stand tier 1. We walk to Piccadilly Station after the game. At a quick walking pace it usually takes 26 to 28mins , via the Merc garage, Ashton New Road , past the Ibis then following the tram route into the back of the station via the orange multi storey car park. Always thought that was the quickest. Out of interest do you think the footpath to the north of City Square is quicker?
Although it doesn't bother me in the slightest as I have a great view and I like the pricing you have to say the finish in SS3 is as rough as a bears arse. Our owners have a reputation that if they do something then they do it properly but the look and facilities on the concourse are as basic as you can get so that reputation is somewhat tarnished in my view.

The question is does it really matter what the stadium looks like but is it more important to have a higher capacity? The Swamp is a real hotch potch but so what as it has the biggest capacity in the PL.
We sit in the north stand tier 1. We walk to Piccadilly Station after the game. At a quick walking pace it usually takes 26 to 28mins , via the Merc garage, Ashton New Road , past the Ibis then following the tram route into the back of the station via the orange multi storey car park. Always thought that was the quickest. Out of interest do you think the footpath to the north of City Square is quicker?
If I am coming from my Dad's I get train to Piccadilly, and then walk to Piccadilly Bus station, get 216 and on the way back, I do same route as you but check out the bus queue. Buses are fastest way in but out depends on the queue. They only load one bus at a time and have about 30 stewards there doing nothing whilst 1 gets them organised.
I think that the Spurs stadium could well be the catalyst for Abu Dhabi to think about resurrecting their plan for a new stadium. If so, it'll be on the North Car Park site, which is where they planned to build one originally, soon after the takeover. It would be around a maximum 75k capacity. The other potential site was where the CFA now is so that's obviously out now. There were pilot plans drawn up for both sites if my information is correct.

I can't really remember exactly but think the issue that killed that plan was either the financial or legal impact of getting out of the lease on the current stadium. Even though the lease was for 250 years, the useful life of the stadium was 50 years tops and we're a third of the way into that now.

The club has evolved to a level that would never have been envisaged when the agreement with the council to become tenants at the CoMS was signed. The stadium was built to minimum cost, due to the cable net roof its difficult to extend, the original 48,000 capacity was deemed sufficient for the club. The south stand extension was full of compromises with the extortionate cost being about same as the original stadium construction amount. I expressed the opinion at the time of the south stand extension that we should have been building a brand new stadium on the north car park. City must by now have paid about 2/3rds of the original cost so, to buy out the ownership would not be beyond the club, but I don't believe that is an issue, I believe the club are happy with the rent going to the council, ring-fenced for sport, whereas the purchase funds would go to Sport England.
I agree with PB that the Spurs stadium might well be a catalyst for the club to look at a new stadium, and I hope this is the case
It was only a few months ago that we were discussing fan reactions to North Stand consultatation over deaigns for an extension to that end. Have they been shelved?
It was only a few months ago that we were discussing fan reactions to North Stand consultatation over deaigns for an extension to that end. Have they been shelved?

It’ll probably start construction this time next season and be the final major works we ever see on the Etihad.

The sides would be an absolute nightmare to do and I think when we start becoming oversubscribed for the 60k+ capacity is when we will hear new stadium talk.

10 years+ away yet.
It would be exciting to have a brand new stadium but does Sheikh Monsour's desire for us to be self sufficient mean he would not put more of his own money into such a project?
He was prepared to pay for one in 2008 plus no club is so self-sufficient that they could pay for a new stadium out of their own pocket. All would require financing of some sort and equity finance is better than debt, if the finance is available.
I’m very jealous of Spurs’ stadium! It looks great now it’s finally here and the facilities look great and put ours to shame especially the tiny bars.

I’ve always thought ours looked great inside, before the SS ruined the symmetry of it. Outside it’s dull, insignificant due to being partly below ground level and uninspiring.

However, it would be very wasteful to tear it down and rebuild much as I’d love to see our facilities improve.

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