COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Thinks its time to hand over decisions to scientists who will do what's required, I don't want buzzwords like moonshot just do the basics.
Isle of man don't mess about, fine them and put them in prison
Government used to set interest rates and it then dawned on them bank of England would be better and take the flak.
Let the scientific group sort out the rules and the government implement it
Thinks its time to hand over decisions to scientists who will do what's required, I don't want buzzwords like moonshot just do the basics.
Isle of man don't mess about, fine them and put them in prison
Government used to set interest rates and it then dawned on them bank of England would be better and take the flak.
Let the scientific group sort out the rules and the government implement it
The problem is the scientists aren’t elected, thus it removed democracy.

They should just take the scientists lead and do what they say though. Anything else is a disaster it seems.
Good news, but just to be really picky, is no evidence that it doesn't work the same thing as evidence that it does?
No you're not being picky mate, it's obviously a worry but apparently the way the vaccine works against the virus shouldn't be affected by the way it has modified itself (according to every expert I have listened to).
Sorry I can't be more precise. I don't understand enough although other punters may know more.
As I have said for weeks on here and my 'mate' Eammon mentioned on TV last week (though not via reading here I am sure as he is a United fan and it is a pretty obvious idea many have considered) - but there was a very easy way out for Boris that he never took.

Tell everyone that we MUST be in lockdown as we roll out this vaccine and suppress this new strain.

But in the Spring when we are in a better position to do so we will create a brand new bank holiday where a turkey dinner for the family will be centre piece - perhaps even in the garden in the Sun by then.

We can call it Thanksgiving and use it to give thanks for the doctors and nurses and scientists and support workers who got us through.

THAT would have won him friends not enemies.

Sell it as 2021 - the year with two Christmases. Emphasise the positive.

Thought something similar recently, but would say June 1st, and not just next year but every year. The night before should be a commemoration for everyone who has died, with an appropriate minute's silence at eight, but then June 1st should be a day to celebrate life and health, so a time for people to meet and gather outdoors as much as possible- irrespective of the weather. Nobody should be left alone indoors and pubs/shops etc. should be closed. Might make us appreciate life/health more and teach future generations about something we as a society had badly neglected.
You would think that if it were to be nationwide, he’d have said so on Saturday. But who knows. I hope not.
It’s a very fast moving situation though. This time last week London was in tier 2, and it was all systems go for the 5 day mixing of households. A few days later they’re in tier 4 due to this new variant spreading like wildfire. Maybe, in the past 48 hours, they have new data which is significantly worse than it was on Saturday.
It doesn’t bear thinking about - probably half a million or more as @roubaixtuesday said, assuming everyone in the UK got it and a near 1% fatality rate but try telling that to the assorted Covidiots and conspiracy theorists.

Latest one I heard from our local tin foil hat wearer yeaterday when I said that they wouldn’t have shut London down as strictly as they have for shits and giggles was that they would do it for shits and giggles and it’s all down to Prince Charles and the position he holds in the World Economic Forum. Apparently this was all agreed back in June and it’s all about the New World Order and an economic reset. How he thinks Ol’ Big Ears has influence over our government and the rest of the world is beyond me. Anyway, I did some digging when I got home and the WEF does exist and Prince Charles is involved. They also put forward a proposal for an economic reset back in May but not one that fucks the average man in the street over - it’s a proposal to get the world economy back on its feet following the pandemic. In any case it’s only a proposal but off the back of that the inevitable conspiracy theories have come about regarding a power grab and all that bollocks, and somewhat hilariously the conspiracy theorists reckon Donald Trump is the only leader in the world who is trying to stop it! Funny that as I don’t recall Trump himself mentioning this horseshit in any of his Twitter rants.
The people supporting such whacky ideas mate, fall into two categories. (a) those thicker than pigshit and (b) those with genuine mental issues. Simple as that really.
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