#SOO Save Our Olé Season III.....Ole, The Trilogy.....We've Failed.....Thank You Ole.

Nicked from the main rag thread..

@Supernova0610 wrote......

Not sure how true these stats are, but if so they are pretty damning:

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has now outlasted:

3 Barca managers
3 Real Madrid managers
3 Juventus managers
2 Chelsea managers
2 BMunich managers
2 Arsenal managers
3 Spurs managers
2 Inter managers
1 PSG manager

These clubs combined, have won 27 trophies during Ole's time.

This I would take as a major positive for all our work, it's November now and we've done so well we should be getting a national award on TV for services to football in January in my book. #SOO
Well played Antonio that's a manager who would be top of the rags list and a good organiser out of the picture.

Forca Ole.

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