Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

Has the coach route been published yet ? Murkyside Plod will be issuing leaflets and providing vehicles to get better leverage when lobbing bricks & bottles , all CCTV and mobile phone footage will be inexpicably deleted.
Ironic that ONE city fan doing a Munich airplane motion and he is arrested and banned the same day , the Dippers 3,000 fans attacking a team coach , throwing coins at Pep and throwing a cup full of coins at a young girl and there is not ONE arrest.
As long as the scum who frequent Klanfield keep on getting away with this shite it is more likely that there will be more deaths at a football match involving that low life infested football club and the blood will be on the hands of the Premier league , F.A. and media for turning a blind eye to their heinous actions.
Something that seems to be commonplace involving that club.
TAA is one gobshite. I hope the lads read his comments and ram them down his throat Sunday. I think he’s the player I detest the most in the PL.
bless him, he really is a true dipper, never letting the truth get in the way of a good story, 800m spent for one league title but financially they aint built to win, what a sad little bin dipper, im assuming that they will rest the 80m van prick, and the 75 darwin donkey as well as the 50m luis dias, not to mention the multitude of other 30 and 40m pound signings that they have made, they really are an embarrassment to football with their continual lies, cheating and ideas that because they were successful in the 80s it somehow means something today.

There isnt enough words in the thesaurus to express my hated for that infected wart on the ass of english football, i would have to invent new words to truly show my disdain for that place and that club. To quote rimmer from red dwarf:

You are a total, total... a word is yet to be invented to describe how totally whatever-it-is you are, but you are one. And a total, total one at that.

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