Donald Trump

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I wouldn’t bet a cent in that. He could literally be impeached, removed from office and imprisoned and there would still be 60,000,000 people who would vote for him

When there is someone better to support they will leave him in droves. The level of support everyone thinks he has a year after the election is a confirmation bias mirage. Plenty of “supporters” can’t come off their rhetoric in the face of overwhelming evidence because humans hate — HATE — publicly admitting they were wrong. As soon as a new conservative hero rides in on his/her horse they can safely abandon Trump in favor of him/her, and still brand themselves (I.e. be seen publicly as) conservative. Since I imagine effectively no one can be as bad a standard bearer as this impotent dildo, I look forward to that day.
Looks like it's all good news for anyone who wants to stand for President, and going forward for any political leader. Just seen on the BBC that the Facebook posts were over a two year period, and bought for $77,000. Man alive, that's very, very cheap for influencing a presidential campaign. I'd imagine Bluemoon could find a campaign for one of our American posters.

So, @FogBlueInSanFran or @ChicagoBlue any of you lads fancy a run for POTUS? We'll start our own Bluemoon crowdfunding campaign. I'm sure our community could come up with some interesting 'facts' for your campaign.....
Hmmmm....Cyprus banks, money laundering...where have I seen that today???
The publicly visible links between Cyprus and Russia and just the tip of the iceberg. You certainly don't get to become vice-chairman of a Cypriot Bank without knowing where the money comes from and where it goes to. There is a s**t load of Russian money swilling around in Cyprus; from property deals, to nightclubs and gambling (and a number of illegal activities).

I don't care what his IQ is; the level of stupidity in his involvement with Russia is astounding. It seems you don't even have to look very hard. You just turn over another stone and there's another link. It's almost like he's trying to hide it in plain sight, which is fine for his supporters, as they just don't want to see. The problem is, everyone else can see it, and the Trump Team just screams "Fake news" or "Look what Hillary did".
On the 'Look what Hillary did' front Fox News yesterday referred to her as President Clinton on three separate occasions. The next step will be Fox declaring that the deep state secretly elected Hillary as President and that the Mueller investigation is being controlled by her to destroy Trump and thwart 'the will of the people' (although technically more voted for Hillary) and we need to root out the 'saboteurs and quislings' (no sorry that's Brexit) - 'root out the race traitors and take back our country (well the white bits anyway) and declare war on Washington'.

Meanwhile the Republicans will be 'Yes it's all very worrying but can we just pass this trillion dollar tax cut for rich people and balloon the national debt first please?

It's all about priorities I guess.
Looks like it's all good news for anyone who wants to stand for President, and going forward for any political leader. Just seen on the BBC that the Facebook posts were over a two year period, and bought for $77,000. Man alive, that's very, very cheap for influencing a presidential campaign. I'd imagine Bluemoon could find a campaign for one of our American posters.

So, @FogBlueInSanFran or @ChicagoBlue any of you lads fancy a run for POTUS? We'll start our own Bluemoon crowdfunding campaign. I'm sure our community could come up with some interesting 'facts' for your campaign.....

I’m flattered but I’m too much of a fat despicable c*nt to ever get elec . . . Hey, wait! Maybe I SHOULD run!
Donny's TweetWatch:
Tweets to say "no collusion": 1
Tweets to put down "young low level volunteer called George who has already proven to be a liar"; 2
Tweets to mention the Democrats: 2
Tweets to mention tax cuts: 3 (also bonus point awarded for working the Democrats into that one too)
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