Poverty in UK

Nobody really owns the land in Britain, it changes over and over again.
:) From the Independant;

Who owns Britain? Most of us would instinctively reply: we do. The British people own the British Isles. This is a democracy, isn't it? But the facts tell a different story. When you look at a map of the British Isles, you are looking not at your home but at a land mass overwhelmingly owned by a tiny aristocratic elite. Extraordinary though it might seem, in the 21st century, 0.6 per cent of the British people own 69 per cent of the land on which we live - and they are mostly the same families who owned it in the 19th century.

Very interesting article, it seems only Scotland are doing anything about it.

:) From the Independant;

Who owns Britain? Most of us would instinctively reply: we do. The British people own the British Isles. This is a democracy, isn't it? But the facts tell a different story. When you look at a map of the British Isles, you are looking not at your home but at a land mass overwhelmingly owned by a tiny aristocratic elite. Extraordinary though it might seem, in the 21st century, 0.6 per cent of the British people own 69 per cent of the land on which we live - and they are mostly the same families who owned it in the 19th century.

Very interesting article, it seems only Scotland are doing anything about it.

I don't care mate, how much land do you think the working poor own in this country or other countries? What we have in this country are the "doing well" mob punching down whilst being jealous of the people with more than them.

We are such a small country compared to most others that having land isn't the same as having land in Australia/Canada or America.
I don't care mate, how much land do you think the working poor own in this country or other countries? What we have in this country are the "doing well" mob punching down whilst being jealous of the people with more than them.

We are such a small country compared to most others that having land isn't the same as having land in Australia/Canada or America.
So you thinks it fair, about the aristocracy I mean ?
So you thinks it fair, about the aristocracy I mean ?

I explained, life isn't fair but I enjoy the pomp and ceremony and would like to keep it. There is just the same amount of wealth inequality in Australia/Canada/USA as there is in the UK, there are no serfs in the UK now and getting rid of the monarchy wont improve it.

What next? landgrabs and put everyone on the same salary?
It really really doesn't mate, there are people the world over with entitled inherited wealth and for me I would put up with a bit of envy if it keeps us away from the big C and a wardrobe full of itchy jackets and berets.

Nobody really owns the land in Britain, it changes over and over again. I am happy to be in the position I am of having warmth food drink and a family, I will leave the envy to the middle classes Bill.
It's the way life is man. The people who get massive inheritance fair play to them. But for me I just have to carry on going work.
I read today that one of the reasons retail sales were down last month is that people aren’t buying as much food as they used to because they basically can’t afford it.

I also read Wetherspoon pubs are thriving because people are looking for cheaper places to eat and drink when they go out.

I then also read that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt doesn’t think that £100,000 is not a huge salary in Surrey.

In this country there seems to be a massive gap between the haves and the have nots and nobody who can do anything about it seems to care.

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