PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That’s not right. If Newcastle have a turnover of £250M and are not in Europe, they can spend £187.5M (85% of turnover). If they’re in Europe it’s reduced to 70% of turnover as that turnover is expected to rise, due to being in Europe.

Not sure what happens if you’re in Europe one season, out the next, back in and back out……….
Well then you are the Hokey Cokey champions, obviously;-)
In regards to the wage cap; good.

Footballers are already paid obscene amounts as it is, and if the "best" players are only looking for a massive paycheck to assuage their overinflated ego's before joining, I wouldn't want them anywhere near the club or the League. Rather we get back to training and developing youth talents into superstars, a la Foden and soon to be Lewis, Bobb and Hamilton.

Football needs this if it wants to remain a sport for spectators, supporters, fans and regular folk to enjoy, otherwise it becomes another Formula 1 with tickets costing in their thousands, yet with football we'd have entire stadiums filled with quiet, disinterested tourists. By all means, pay players what they are worth, not what they THINK they are worth and keep that worth grounded in reality.
I think he just deals in facts and information, I’ve never noticed him being pro-any club and I don’t know who he supports- just as an academic should be ! - unlike SJIAC who is a rabidly anti-City twat.
He's a Brighton supporter but watched City, the rags and other local clubs when he lived in Manchester. His price of football podcast is an excellent listen, well worth downloading.
Surely it has to be net spend?

For example we sell Haaland to Real for £150m and have to spend £120m on his replacement. We should be £30m in profit but if it is gross spend we would have to make do with a Championship striker as otherwise we exceed the spend cap? Doesn't make any sense if its gross and surely even the turkeys won't vote for that.

Villa sold Grealish for £100m to us and bought 4 players and are on the verge of the CL, a gross spend limit would prevent that and the owners would just end up pocketing the the Glaziers would love that though :)
I agree but the PL makes loads of bonkers decisions. Can’t see the rags accepting gross if they are selling half their squad, even if it is for peanuts.
Nor Chelsea.
I've just caught up on yesterday's TS and the spending cap discussion. @projectriver congratulations, despite your absence you clearly succeeded in convincing SJIAC to understand the true drivers behind FFP and why it was wrong to start with.

That's something that has been completely lost as football fans up and down the country became amateur accountants and decided spending too much was wrong, without having a clue what it all means.

Newcastle's rise and potential PSR issues have also helped change the rhetoric and enable people to think a little bit more about why the rules are wrong.

It's a slightly uncomfortable position to now be in as a City fan, because we should all be against any fairness and supporting whatever benefits the cartel because we're part of it! But personally I'm all a more fair system, not that this cap is that in any guise.
Under 5 threatens the PL as a salable product I very much doubt it will be, I expect it to be a token amount that won't have any real impact seems like a lot of window dressing
Depends what the purpose is though. If it’s reining in city AND making piles of cash for some owners, then it’ll be 4.5. If it’s to make the rules easy to understand, without damaging the ‘product’, it’ll be nearer to 6.
I would caution that you can never be sure how stupid people are and, obviously, never underestimate the power of cash!
Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern and the Italian 3 with the Saudis are laughing their socks off.

How to destroy a successful product in one single stupid decision.


Is this an attempt by the big 5 to bring back the discussion for pushing forward with the super league?
It was/is never going away.
Football in the Premier league is becoming tiresome because of the many rule changes both on and off the pitch.
Is just becoming 1 big game of chess

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