&^*%£*& politicians again

so when are the police going to charge her with fraud. If it were you and me we would be in the nick as soon as . Absolute fucking disgrace , MP's are all on the gravy train
without a dream said:
Ancient Citizen said:
Ifwecouldjust....... said:
You're having a larff.......healthy Democracy!!!!!! when we are governed by a party voted for by 36.1% of the NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY VOTED The population of the UK currently stands at 63,182,000 and 10,726,614 voted for the Nazti party

so that means we are being governed by a party representative of 16% of the population.

They rewrite the boundaries / they bribe their voters (tax reductions for the wealthy and flood compensation for the people in the south but not the North East /they change the pension rules so that the wealthy who have big pension pots can get their money out / they defend thieving MP's who fiddle their expenses /

just to ensure they stay in power

Liars cheats and thieves the lot of them whatever party they are in
This sounds like an advert for PR, which was resoundingly rejected, (AV, actually, but the same principle), plus the population figures include everyone, including children, so are not accurate. 36.1% voted for them, even less voted for the opposition but this is because we vote by constituency, not a poll of the whole nation. This is the system we voted to support, so constantly whinging about percentages is pointless.
I do agree with the thieving point however, this fiddling woman, along with Hazel Blears and dozens of others should be slopping out in the nick for 10 years.
Only then will we accept the condescending phraseology of 'Drawing a line under,' or 'Moving on' that the PM patronisingly spouts each time robbing shits like these are outed.

Not the same principle at all. I'm pro PR but voted against AV.
If we wanted PR, by now we would have had PR, we haven't and won't. It was championed by the Liberals, in the main, as it was the only chance they would ever get in; nowadays, with or without PR they have as much chance as Sunderland winning the champions league anytime soon.
If you want a Conservative/Labour/Liberal MP, as your local Rep, you don't want any of the opposition diluting their influence, you get what you want in your area with the present system.
Have I missed anything with this overview of the miller thing (explaining to a mate)

1. Miller claims for wrong amount (under the old rules that have now been changed).
2. Miller is charged with "funding a home for her parents at taxpayers' expense" by both the independent parliamentary commissioner for standards and the Commons standards committee.
3. Fully cleared of that offence.
4. Independent parliamentary commissioner for standards say she should pay back £45,000
5. Commons standards committee.says she should pay back £5,800
6. She pay's back £5,800 and gives her 32 second apology.
7. Calls for her to resign.
8. Independent parliamentary commissioner for standards agree that they made a mistake and the correct figure she should have paid back was not the £45,000 they originally said but was indeed the £5,800 that the Commons standards committee stated.
9. She resigns.

Have I missed anything?
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Have I missed anything with this overview of the miller thing (explaining to a mate)

1. Miller claims for wrong amount (under the old rules that have now been changed).
2. Miller is charged with "funding a home for her parents at taxpayers' expense" by both the independent parliamentary commissioner for standards and the Commons standards committee.
3. Fully cleared of that offence.
4. Independent parliamentary commissioner for standards say she should pay back £45,000
5. Commons standards committee.says she should pay back £5,800
6. She pay's back £5,800 and gives her 32 second apology.
7. Calls for her to resign.
8. Independent parliamentary commissioner for standards agree that they made a mistake and the correct figure she should have paid back was not the £45,000 they originally said but was indeed the £5,800 that the Commons standards committee stated.
9. She resigns.

Have I missed anything?

1. Miller claims for wrong amount (under the old rules that have now been changed). - Thats theft in my book
2. Miller is charged with "funding a home for her parents at taxpayers' expense" by both the independent parliamentary commissioner for standards and the Commons standards committee. - She buys the property as a 'Second Home' and is able to reclaim the Mortgage interest as an expense (so its interest free and effectively paid for by you and me). She then flips her home to avoid paying capital gains tax
3. Fully cleared of that offence. who by?Her pals
4. Independent parliamentary commissioner for standards say she should pay back £45,000 - correct. She borrowed £525,000 to buy a home worth £237,000 but claimed the interest payable on the full amount (the balance effectively being a loan) This she is not allowed to do.
5. Commons standards committee.says she should pay back £5,800. Yep....looking after their own
6. She pay's back £5,800 and gives her 32 second apology. In the process she gets her PA to phone the journalist writing the story and threaten him and the paper with action after the levenson recommendations are implemented. A conversation denied by Craig Oliver the communications boss at number 10 until the paper provided a recording of the conversation
7. Calls for her to resign. Yep...rightly so
8. Independent parliamentary commissioner for standards agree that they made a mistake and the correct figure she should have paid back was not the £45,000 they originally said but was indeed the £5,800 that the Commons standards committee stated. - where's this come from? The IPCS can only make recommendations which they did. it was her own pals that reduced it to £5800.
9. She resigns. - at last. Do you really want someone like this governing our country?

Go Here

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/cmstandards/1179/117903.htm#a6" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.publications.parliament.uk/p ... 903.htm#a6</a>

Oh...and I have just learned that she will get a pay off of £17,000 for resigning her position..................We're all in this together though are we not?
Re: &^*%£*& politicians again

foxy said:
So I wonder who gave her a 'quiet word' leading to her resignation?


The whole resignation statement smacks of him telling her that she has to resign as things are getting a bit hot under the collar for him, what with his previous defence of her yet the growing discontent within the party. Then the reference to the Gay Marriage legislation and the Leveson enquiry makes it clear that she is to be perceived as a poor victim of harassment because of her involvement with those.
Yet it makes it clear that in return for her resignation a deal has been agreed whereby she can return to a Cabinet position in the future when the dust has long settled.

Not read/heard such a transparent, begrudging and insincere statement in a long time. And from that shower of shite in Westminster that's going some .
cinnamon blue said:
so when are the police going to charge her with fraud. If it were you and me we would be in the nick as soon as . Absolute fucking disgrace , MP's are all on the gravy train

It's immoral, it's cheating, it's scandalous, it's outrageous, it's disgraceful, but the Westminster Wankers have made sure that it's not illegal!!

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