Basque and Catalan groups protest ''Tourists Go Home''

Be nice if all the Irish rag cunts who drink in my Spanish local are put off from coming over. Gobshites.
Been reading a bit about this today and it seems the main gripe is that the rapid rise in tourism through untaxed apartment rents from the like of airbnb and the effect it is having on property prices in the area.
Maybe they aggresiveness isn't necessary, but tgey have a right to complain if tourism is havinga negative impact.

Seems the local authorites need to up their game infrastructure and managememt wise to make it sustainable for both residents and visitors.

Gotta say they have a point about the bikes, if you introduce a bike rental scheme without any new bike racks available and then fine locals for chaining their bikes to lamp post and railings you are gonna piss them off

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