Donald Trump | Found guilty on all 34 counts

Spoken like a true San Franciscan.
Spoken like a true hick from Mount Vernon though you’re actually a chav from the darker reaches of northwest England, aren’t you?

You aren’t fooling anyone, sweet pea. But if you need some extra cash and can ensconce yourself in the wheel well of a 787, my lawn could use some mowing.
Even though Trump is now the candidate there is still a lot of weirdness in the voting that you just wouldn’t normally see. For one, I can’t really explain this:

2020 GOP Primary (uncontested):
Trump 947,532 votes (100%)

2024 GOP Primary (technically contested):
Trump 496,560 votes (84.5%)

Even if we believe some of the people saying his low vote share is due to Dems registering in GOP primaries, I’m not sure how that results in his number of votes halving. Biden was in a similar position in 2020 as Bernie had dropped out at that point and he got over 920,000 votes.

Then you look at Atlanta where he is getting a share that’s at 50-60% and you’re left wondering how he is polling 3 pts over Biden in Georgia. Where the fuck are those voters that weren’t there in 2020? Where are they coming from?
This is where the idiocracy that is MAGA is blindly leading us, but remove the swastikas with Stars & Stripes, because even they know the “crazy S” is a bad look for some of them.

“Good men on BOTH sides!”

This is a teaser clip of a much larger documentary of the rise of “mainstream” American Nazis in the 1930s, but the message is resonating with far too many people today…

Nazi Town, USA​


Film Description​

In February 1939, more than 20,000 Americans filled Madison Square Garden for an event billed as a “Pro-American Rally.” Images of George Washington hung next to swastikas and speakers railed against the “Jewish controlled media” and called for a return to a racially “pure” America. The keynote speaker was Fritz Kuhn, head of the German American Bund. Nazi Town, USA tells the largely unknown story of the Bund, which had scores of chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country and represented what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States. The Bund held joint rallies with the Ku Klux Klan and ran dozens of summer camps for children centered around Nazi ideology and imagery. Its melding of patriotic values with virulent anti-Semitism raised thorny issues that we continue to wrestle with today.

Any of that sound familiar?????
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Care to hazard a guess as to which one of these fine social media company's investors met the Donald at Mar a lago this week?

2 things here that set off massive alarm bells when it comes to having any form of security clearance, let alone the highest level of clearance in the US Government:

1. Needs cash desperately.
2. Clearly and obviously open to financial persuasion.

If anyone else submitted an application for a security clearance with those credentials the form would be put straight in the shredder, and a dossier on the guy would be passed to the FBI as an urgent matter of national security.
This is where the idiocracy that is MAGA is blindly leading us, but remove the swastikas with Stars & Stripes, because even they know the “crazy S” is a bad look for some of them.

“Good men on BOTH sides!”

This is a teaser clip of a much larger documentary of the rise of “mainstream” American Nazis in the 1930s, but the message is resonating with far too many people today…

Nazi Town, USA​


Film Description​

In February 1939, more than 20,000 Americans filled Madison Square Garden for an event billed as a “Pro-American Rally.” Images of George Washington hung next to swastikas and speakers railed against the “Jewish controlled media” and called for a return to a racially “pure” America. The keynote speaker was Fritz Kuhn, head of the German American Bund. Nazi Town, USA tells the largely unknown story of the Bund, which had scores of chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country and represented what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States. The Bund held joint rallies with the Ku Klux Klan and ran dozens of summer camps for children centered around Nazi ideology and imagery. Its melding of patriotic values with virulent anti-Semitism raised thorny issues that we continue to wrestle with today.

Any of that sound familiar?????

This is worth a listen:


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