Donald Trump | Found guilty on all 34 counts

Can we get your opinion on all of these announced 2024 Trump policies?

- National 6 week abortion ban.

- Add a 10% tariff to ALL imports.

- End birthright citizenship.

- Bring back Muslim travel ban.

- Leaving Nato.

- Sell off public land to oil companies to frack. Reverse pollution limits and exit Paris accords.

- Close the Department of Education.

- Change the education sylabbus to focus on patriotism

- Forcibly relocate homeless people to rural shanty towns.
A fine program. No wonder people vote for him, he is a political genius. Apparently he has a huge brain to compensate for his tiny todger.
It's there in plenty of detail if you look into it GDM.
I respect you as a poster, I wouldn't lie about something as serious as this. However, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't stick my head above the parapet, and call this out.
The agreement was set in place at a moment in history that was termed "The end of the Cold War".
Any one of 5 countries could have vetoed any specific detail to derail things, but not one of them did. They were all happy to sign. The trouble is, The American Industrial War Complex, is only interested in profits. The people that are driving this don't give a shit about Europe or its population, because they are out of harm's way in splendid isolation.
Trust me, look for the information and you will find it. If the late John Pilger is on the record with it, that should be proof enough.
Enjoy the remainder of the football season & Up The Blues !
John Pilger was well known for his meticulous attitude to the facts. Absolutely no manipulating them to suit his argument, oh no.
Can we get your opinion on all of these announced 2024 Trump policies?

- National 6 week abortion ban.

- Add a 10% tariff to ALL imports.

- End birthright citizenship.

- Bring back Muslim travel ban.

- Leaving Nato.

- Sell off public land to oil companies to frack. Reverse pollution limits and exit Paris accords.

- Close the Department of Education.

- Change the education sylabbus to focus on patriotism

- Forcibly relocate homeless people to rural shanty towns.
You forgot “shoot shoplifters as they exit the store!”
We have a Ukraine thread and an American Politics thread, yet a Putin loving Trumper and a card carrying member of the CCP appear to have derailed the discussion about Trump himself…unless, of course, they’re giving us a front row seat to the kind of warped logic that has infested the MAGAts that follow him?

These lovers of the strong man fascist/communist Dictator meme are, I guess, part of the joy of an open Internet forum…and I’m all for it! It helps illuminate the level of propaganda that fills their Swiss Cheese minds and remind us all just how dangerous the world is.

The Morecambe shrimp seems to believe Putin is a more benevolent neighbor and ally to Europe than America…with zero evidence other than our “fucking big noses,” which I’m sure have nothing to do with his anti-Zionist statement whatsoever!

But, not to worry, he knows the term “military industrial complex,” so that must be the reason Putin invaded Ukraine…so we could build more weapons and literally GIVE THEM AWAY AT GREAT POLITICAL AND FINANCIAL COST TO THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER!

On the other hand, our Chinese Comrade wants to know what’s wrong with Communism as a way of life? I can only hope he is an under 40 yr old male, as it will mean he may live to see the fall of China from the world stage. Most of the country is uninhabitable, it relies solely on Western money buying ever more expensive Chinese goods, and is heading for a demographic cliff from which the fall will be their death knell. Unfortunately, Xi knows it, too, which is why he’s expanding eastward into the South China Sea and beyond!

But, not to worry, the USA is the country you really need to be afraid of, so I’ve been told!

Errr, OK…
great post but your last line has an element of truth should the orange narcissist be elected by your bible bashing fucktard countrymen once again
We have a Ukraine thread and an American Politics thread, yet a Putin loving Trumper and a card carrying member of the CCP appear to have derailed the discussion about Trump himself…unless, of course, they’re giving us a front row seat to the kind of warped logic that has infested the MAGAts that follow him?

Allow me to get us back on track..

Donald Trump is a ginger shit gibbon.
Donald Trump is a ginger shit gibbon.
Donald Trump is a ginger shit gibbon.
If The UK would grow a pair of cajones and tell the USA that a "Special Relationship" no longer exists, and we want no part of your grotesque 'Military Industrial Complex', then I think it would give a lead to the rest of Europe to do likewise. Most sane people on this continent are sick of your country's malign influence on this planet.
You like to export divisions around the world to stoke up conflicts, but none of these, profitable for yourselves, wars ever seem to be fought on your own soil ?
You dare come on a football forum in the UK and bleat about Europe not spending enough on Defence. We wouldn't need a defence if you weren't in the picture. Putin has no beef with Europe, he just got sick of your despots welching on the agreements you signed when the Berlin Wall came down under Gorbachev. Not a step further East you promised, but couldn't help yourselves wanting to provoke the Russian Bear and make it angry.
Hence, a proxy war in Ukraine that can't be won. Mind your own fucking business America, and you might end up having enough dollars to sort out the mess that is your own country.
You sound like a Putin-loving, America-hating Communist propagandist and you don’t even try to hide it!

Open mouth, insert loaded firearm, pull trigger! America will happily provide the firearm at no cost to you. In fact, PM me with the address, I’ve got a spare!
great post but your last line has an element of truth should the orange narcissist be elected by your bible bashing fucktard countrymen once again
I did my part both times, but I’m in a solid blue state! I can’t help how many fucktards there are out in the hinterlands!

I’ve raised two educated, thoughtful adult children who despise the Orange Clown, but that just means he loses by two more votes in Illinois!!!
I did my part both times, but I’m in a solid blue state! I can’t help how many fucktards there are out in the hinterlands!

I’ve raised two educated, thoughtful adult children who despise the Orange Clown, but that just means he loses by two more votes in Illinois!!!
Hasn’t Illinois got its usual corrupt governor to put things right? They must be slipping.

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