Manchester Schools (The EU)

Mrs Monkfish has not heard one teacher or former teacher suggest EU migration is responsible for them 'leaving the system' -think she knows about 100 odd teachers

As for your final point not cutting the education budget every year would be a cracking start

You may want to read again what I said before making the glaring error so often made by my pupils - answering the question you think has been asked, not the one actually asked.

I didn't say EU migration is responsible for them "leaving the system". I said it was a contributory factor. The reasons for the rush to the door from so many teachers, including Heads is multitude and varied. The strain on the system is often cited by many as one of them. That strain comes from many angles: Ofsted, government(s), workload; excessive amount of time dealing with non-teaching issues etc, etc.

You could increase the budget tenfold - it won't scratch the surface. It isn't merely monetary - it's time and energy. If Mrs Monkfish and her 100 colleagues think it's sustainable to have unchecked numbers of children arriving on our doorsteps and then schools having to help with housing; doctors; dentists; benefit claims - fine, that's her and her colleagues' opinion. I respect that. But I'll disagree with it. And the reason I disagree with it is simple: we have zero control on the infinite numbers arriving, yet we have finite space, time and resources. Infinite and finite don't generally, work well together.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to finally get to grips with the madness of the open-door policy. If we don't then each and every one of us will be paying for schools to help pay towards sorting out the absolute shambles that is caused by such a policy. I have colleagues who are teachers in both Italy and Portugal. They are incredulous when I explain what happens here in Manchester with newly-arrived children from the EU. It simply doesn't happen to the same extent there. I know - I see the Italian/ Portuguese here, they've decided that, having come from Pakistan, Nigeria, Senegal, Bangladesh etc, via Europe and having obtained their European passport they'll now head to the good 'ol UK, thank you very much. That's not conjecture, not hearsay. It's a fact.

I ask again - do you, Mrs Monkfish or any others who disagree with the main thrust of my argument - is the current situation sustainable? Can it be changed if we remain in the EU? If you think it's sustainable, please explain how. And if it can be done within the EU, again, I'm all ears. I'll leave with this for today:
for 25 years I've been singing Belligerent fools... Seems the education system has been failing the youth of this country for a long time

Spot on.

I think it's time @Ric just handed this forum over to one of the anti immigrant right wing groups, it makes sense, all those remaining who are to the left of Nigel Farage - could go elsewhere and the anti immigrant mob could meet more like minded people.

It is an awful look for a football club that is Islamic owned , owns clubs all over the world, has supporters and players for all corners of the globe to be represented on it its biggest supporters forum in this way. I am surprised honestly the club haven't quietly requested that off topic be moved on to a non city forum to be honest.

It's also the same pattern every time, establish a reasonable back story, or say I'm not racist but..... Then an all out attack on immigration and immigrants.

Why not just one thread..... Why now having to open new ones? does it really matter if anti immigration stuff gets lost amongst anti immigration stuff?
I think it's time @Ric just handed this forum over to one of the anti immigrant right wing groups, it makes sense, all those remaining who are to the left of Nigel Farage - could go elsewhere and the anti immigrant mob could meet more like minded people.

It is an awful look for a football club that is Islamic owned , owns clubs all over the world, has supporters and players for all corners of the globe to be represented on it its biggest supporters forum in this way. I am surprised honestly the club haven't quietly requested that off topic be moved on to a non city forum to be honest.

It's also the same pattern every time, establish a reasonable back story, or say I'm not racist but..... Then an all out attack on immigration and immigrants.

Why not just one thread..... Why now having to open new ones? does it really matter if anti immigration stuff gets lost amongst anti immigration stuff?

Once again, you are (deliberately) confusing controlled and uncontrolled immigration. There would be far fewer problems in schools if schools knew how many children they'd have to be teaching and who those children were.

Have you also considered that this right wing thinking is simply the prevailing thought of the British people at the moment? Check out the comment threads on any BBC articles on the referendum that are open for comment. They lean even further to the right and have no reason to be biased that way.
The OP is the equivalent of a doctor saying "I'm here to make people better but I don't want to treat the seriously ill, it will affect my patient survival rate and their treatment is expensive".

I appreciate that having students from around the world makes your job more difficult. But the problem here is the way the schools are judged, not the intake. You said yourself that they are all expected to reach the same standards and level, something which is going to be very difficult when the language barrier is there.

Schools where there is a large number of students with English not as their first language should receive more investment and assistance. Maybe even have children reach a certain standard of English before they are placed in the mainstream school system. We should be negotiating with the EU for subsidies to pay for this. If our system is educating EU migrants then we should be recompensed for it.

My school was 99% white British kids who mostly lived on the same estate as me. I would have learned a lot more about different cultures and countries if it had a more mixed intake. What a great place to learn not just maths and English but get a wider perspective on the world and mix with people from different backgrounds. Foreign students can enhance our education system, it's not all negative.

I will never begrudge a child getting an education just because they were born on one side of a line or bit of water. We can be proud of our schools in this country and should continue to invest in them.

spot fucking on wig. Go to the top of the class.
At age 5 (end of Early Years) white British outperform every single ethnicity except Indians. By age 11 (end of Primary School) white British are sixteenth, and are outperformed by many different ethnicities. As others have posted, in the later years, EAL (English as an Additional Language) children, on average, perform better than white British. The reasons are myriad and certainly some ethnicities have an educational culture that teachers would love to see in every kid: Chinese and Indian being the mots cherished. But I come back to my original post - we have thousands of young children in Manchester, arriving monthly from “Europe” (having originated in Africa, Pakistan and other rather more non-European places), and they bring with them a massive, unsustainable drain on schools’ resources; on teachers’ energies; on the very infra-structure of our education.

I teach all children to the very best of my ability. I work tirlessly to ensure any child gets the best deal - and that is a deal that includes finding them and their families housing; getting them Speech and Language Therapists; Occupaaional Therapists; Educational Psychologists; Doctors; Nurses -anything basically that will allow them to live a decent life. BUT, it isn’t sustainable. It cannot continue - all the posters saying we should treat all equally - I do. But I know that the numbers of teachers leaving the system is at shockingly high levels; the numbers of Deputies such as myself unwilling to take the step to headship is at crisis levels - migration isn’t the solitary cause. But it’s a factor. A large one.

If you filmed the meetings where the school leaders have to be allocated unplaced kids by the council, and heard and witnessed how the system is trying to accommodate unfettred access to this country, you could only come to one conclusion: it’s insane. It’s a bottomless pit that sucks money into it. But hey, it’s the freedom of border that the EU wants. And our kids are just as entitled to go to Spain, France etc. And yet, and yet…it doesn’t quite work like that does it.

The National Audit Office: over a quarter of a million more children were placed in primary schools in the last 18 months. If anyone thinks that’s nothing to do with the EU, then they’re living in cloud cuckoo land. And if anyone thinks it’s sustainable they’re welcome to tell me how.

Perhaps the government could channel some of the public money being spent on the garden fucking bridge or crossrail or HS2 into the education system?
Perhaps the government could channel some of the public money being spent on the garden fucking bridge or crossrail or HS2 into the education system?
It is a criminally undervalued profession and yes education should have a lot more money from top to bottom as ultimately it's the future of the country. Invest in it and the future strengthens - ignore it and thinks will decline

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