
Well-Known Member
5 Sep 2008
Casa Bonita

I dont know how i did it, but the inside edge of this tooth has gone sharp as hell, and its proper annoying me keep messing with it with my tongue.

Anyone ever had a problem with this? I think i might have done it flossing but not sure, its a bastard though,

I dont have a dentist and private one would probably charge me about a grand just to look at it, so i thought i would put my medical trust in the intellectuals of this board ;)
Ive got extremely sharp incisors for some reason, must have a family tree branching from Lions or something! but the dentist will file them down for you, might cost a bit tho as you'll be lucky to get in an NHS dentist anywhere now, i cant and have to pay £35 quid each time i go , at least! so i only go once every 2 years and they say my teeth are fine every time! all this must go every 6 months shit is bollocks!

you dont go to the hospital to have your insides checked over once every 6 months, or once every ever, do you!? so why, when we clean and floss and swill our teeth do we have to go to the dentist so often!??

why is this in the Bluemoon forum!?

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