It's Quiet - a new dawn

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cant be bothered trawling, but he said alves was going to be number 5,until it was pointed out that stones had chosen number 5,he changed it to number 15 sagna old number, it was then pointed out that sagna was number 3 :) funny at the time

Great stuff. Its the highlight of close season.
He's a very tidy player and has always looked decent when I've seen him.

Maybe I'm overrating him because I don't rate Walker but I do think he would be a top signing for us.

Walker and Bellerin are more explosive but Cedric is the most consistent and reliable RB in the league.

Hysaj at Napoli would be a fantastic option tok.
It would really be interesting when Alves told City about his change of heart, assuming he had verbally agreed to join us before.

All these agreements are a load of shit at the end of the day. Alvez was probably going to sign until the moment he got offered the same money to live and work in Paris and make life easier for his new marriage.
where does it say city had a gentleman's agreement with city/pep ????
maybe what happened was ,
alves asked juve if he could leave on a free, there must of been a reason juve agreed and it wouldn't of been so he could of played for pep one last time,thats not a good enough reason, alves it would seem wanted to live with his new wife in Paris where she is based ,or are people looking to slag tixi,pep and city off without knowing the proper reason ??

This sounds like the more plausible situation.
I think you can only play hardball if you're a selling club who has a player on a long term contract. We certainly couldn't play hardball with potential signings as you're trying to entice them to make the move.

Genuine question now, not being arse or flapping - but isnt this where having so much money should put us at an advantage? If we want a player, why do we not just grease the palms of him and his agent and any other relevant hangers on as necessary to put us ahead of any other suitors?
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