Jonny Evans

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Nearly 100 pages in 5 hours on a non match day thread. Record?

Must not have been around for some of the previous crazy summers. You had the Messi rumors, Isco rumors, Hazard rumors, and who can forget the epic Kaka thread several summers again. So 100 pages in 5 hours isn't that much.
I'd have thought more like 80k with bonuses to be honest. Isn't that what other fringe players like Delph are on?

Just realised Delph is literally our only fringe player now unless you count Bravo... we really have cleared out this summer.

Don't worry Delph will be back in the sick bay anytime soon.
I'd have thought more like 80k with bonuses to be honest. Isn't that what other fringe players like Delph are on?

Just realised Delph is literally our only fringe player now unless you count Bravo... we really have cleared out this summer.

Shh, don't tell anyone that Nasri is still around. Or is he lol.
Let's be realistic here and say that if we do sign him then we'll all stop calling him shit and start backing him so I don't want to say anything I'll have to take back later. Felt the same about Walker.
100 pages for our Jonny
City's other possible choices bar Jonny Evans.

Lord Lucan or Ray Charles.
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