Your final food sitting on a toilet...


Well-Known Member
13 Oct 2010
Lets imagine you lived like Elvis and you decide to end it all in true style on the throne, he rumoredly opted for a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich for he's final bite.

what would you go for ?

Me, a KFC mega bucket
Sounds like some filthy sex game.

I'd have to go with a burrito. Wouldn't need a knife and fork to eat it.

Fun facts about Elvis btw, he loved hot dog buns. He'd ride his horse around the grounds at Graceland, dressed as a cowboy with the hot dog roll bag tied around his saddle horn so he could eat as he rode.

He also liked eating in bed. He had a television on the ceiling so he could eat whilst lying in bed. Unfortunately, he also liked sedatives. His minders/friends/hangers-on on more than one occasion had to clear his airway of food because he'd fallen asleep while he was eating.
There's a quote: 'Always read something that'll make you look good if you happen to die while reading it' or something like that. So, is the question 'What food would you rather have known to have eaten just before you snuffed it whilst taking a shit?' Weird question. I suppose something healthy I suppose, like a piece of fruit or something.
I'm a veggie but i would go for a plate of freshly made bacon,chips and baked beans with tomato sauce

You ain't no Veggie, you my love, are a masochistic carnivore.:)

Mixed Grill for me with a side of peppercorn sauce, salad and chips...Don't any oil on that fuckin salad i'm watching my weight

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