Liverpool Tickets £221 in City End

Thats only 2 sites i looked at bet there loads more
I've given up on most away games these days pal. I went religiously home and away from the late 80s and 90s in our dark days but it seems us hardcore supporters from back when we were shit are becoming a mere after thought.
It’s the same with brasses.
I’m having to shuffle around under piccadilly station looking like a flasher with £15 in my back bin whilst there are wealthy folk hiring the finest of women at £1000 per hour, it’s fucking wrong. I definitely think money talks!
If it's in the City end who are releasing these.
As you can get some grouped together i can only think of once place where some of them are coming from
I just went on 4 random agencies and all of them would have sold me the tickets
sorry I meant who released them, was it city or Liverpool.
They are in the City end so City released them to someone .whether City fans sell them on or City sell them direct to the agency is any ones guess
Honest question has anyone every sold a ticket onto a 3rd party site like this for a small profit? I ask because they would be traceable back to that fan or are these agencies bulk buying tickets from city (another revenue stream). Even at that there would be risk... say 10 tickets@ £100 to an agency £1000 for city or 10@£60 to fans at £600. Do city want this fan backlash for £400 profit.

Do we have a ticket partner?
Have got to say that I may have to look at this for a ticket. Missed out on 15980 points as City haven't allocated Burnley or Bristol points for the cups at home but have taken the money and that would have allowed me to apply. Pretty pissed off but needs must. Was hoping for the most a ton on these sites but seems I'm way off.

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