24 hour party city? Not in my lifetime!!!

Not sure if this is worth a thread of its own but I was doing some thinking the other day about Metrolink funding and was surprised to see that it only has ticket revenue of around £80M a year. That equates to just £70 per household in the GM region. It seems to me that they would be better off sticking everyone's council tax up ~£100 (on avg) and making the Metrolink free. They could charge for the car parks, instead. This would surely boost the economy for businesses, workers and visitors and ticks off the box on environmental targets. Would need some convincing in the areas without a close Met station, though, perhaps free train or bus routes.
I don't want to pay for something I never use.
You use the police everyday.
I don't come into contact with them but I see how they make the region tick. Having a cheap way to travel around the region will attract more people, businesses and attractions and that will make the city richer to spend on other areas. It could accelerate growth and lead to more of a 24/7 culture.

Just a thought, but for £100 a year I'd give it a go.
All very well saying you can get a taxi if you want a late night, but that depends on how far out you live on it being financially viable. And it's not always even wanting a late night. If going to gigs or the theatre, they can often still end late enough for you to have to miss the end, in order to make the last train or tram home.

Apparently our last train used to be an hour later than it is now, (which would really make it easy to get home if it still was) but they made it earlier, because, according to a guard I asked once, 'it was often full of drunks kicking off' ..... the last one now is still exactly the same, just an hour earlier.
Reading this thread is a horror show I’d blissfully forgotten about.

I moved down to London in the summer and on a weeknight my last train is at 01:05. On a Saturday I can get the night tube to a station which is a little further away (0.9 miles) but still doable.

I’m banking on you lot getting the public transport sorted by the time I move back. I had to have a word with myself on Saturday when I was annoyed at the 7 minute wait for my train (weekdays it’s a train every 1 - 3 minutes). A comparison to Northern Fail - I remember once I was stood waiting 20 minutes for the delayed train, only for them to then say it’d arrived - must have been a ghost train as I had to wait another 15 for the next to turn up.
I have never used a tram in this country, however charge more council tax to those post codes it goes through by all means.
Since we up here in the non existent god's own country of Scotland take all the English money, we all have a free private chauffeur and Bentley to cut about to all fucking hours. Add to that our English gold free bar pass, it's a fucking wonder any **** makes their work.

My heart goes out to you all.

At least you nearly said sorry .

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