What's everybody doing...????

Tuearts right boot

Well-Known Member
26 Feb 2011
Halfway up a mountain,bumfuck nowhere,Snowdonia.
Boredom threshold has already reached critical and I dont have any hobbies as such to while away the hours, well not like stamp collecting and such.
Spent most of the day in the garage pottering about with a few old engines, washed the car, washed another one, changed the oil and filter and tucked it up for the foreseeable, walked the dogs, avoided my sister but I do that regardless of the virus, spoke to a few customers. Fortunately and technically I can work but the area we service has bottomed out, I say bottomed out, obliterated would be better. I cleaned the pond in a sort of half hearted attempt and noticed I've got toad spawn as well as a dozen or so randy newts. Woodpecker still at it on the telegraph pole. One thing I did notice was the silence, it's eerie and I heard a few passenger planes high up, something we dont usually hear, only the throb of Hercules or the scream of fighters doing the Mach loop.
God it's weird out there..
What's everyone else doing or got planned...
Trying to look after my 3 year old while nursing cracked ribs since Friday. Great fun when you can't even breathe without wincing in pain. Life just gets better and better eh..
I was told on Monday by text from the NHS that I'm grounded for 12 weeks because I have a medical condition that effects my immune system along with the drugs that are used to treat it, so even if the season restarts in a couple of months i won't be there :(
Self isolating

Watching Tiger King on Netflix and wondering why a people that originally came from the UK are so fucked up.
Decorating our small bedroom/office but just a couple of hours a day.

3 fucking layers of paper 2 painted blown paper, the lower normal paper won't shift.

Going to get the steamer on it once the bulk has been taken off.

Special mention to whoever cut a piece of polystyrene to fill a 4 inch hole in the plaster 30 years ago.

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