Worst casting in a film

Ray Winstone whenever he has to play someone with a different accent to a cockney.

His American accent in the Departed was hilariously bad.

Beat me to it. Absolutely shocking.

Dick Van Dyke playing the chimney sweep in Mary Poppins was probably the worst ever attempt at a cockney accent.
Keanu Reeves in 'Barm' Stokers Dracula.
Sean Connery's irishman in Untouchables.
Mathew Goode as Ozymandis in Watchmen.
QT in everything. Terrible actor.
Vince Vaughn. Psycho remake.
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Don Cheadle in Oceans Eleven. The British accent has to be one of the worst ever recorded on film.

Jack Black in anything remotely romantic, such as The Holiday....

Shallow Hal on the other hand...

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