COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Looks like our curfew is changing from midnight to 1:30am over Xmas and New year.
Very decent of our friendly Spanish government.
Feliz Navidad.
Got to say glad we didn't take the firebreak route and went full lockdown 4 weeks as Wales and NI suggest it doesn't work.
Full lockdown is 100% the one that works best. But of course does the most economic damage.

These regional tiers are hopeless as it just sends the virus looking for a new home.

We may well end up in a new national lockdown in January to pay for Christmas.

Although the firebreak in N Ireland was more successful than the Welsh one. And they have nowhere near the problems that Wales does after it.

Wales I think must have demographic factors making it harder to get on top of this. As they had a high rate through the first wave too compared to population.
Looks like our curfew is changing from midnight to 1:30am over Xmas and New year.
Very decent of our friendly Spanish government.
Feliz Navidad.

Where are you lot with the vaccine? Any word about how many doses the government has bought and how many they can vaccinate per week when the EMA clears it?
loads of people i know are travelling from tier 3 to tier 2 (we are right on the border) to go pub for food and pint, all lapping it up on social media aswell
Yep, close the pubs in Greater Manchester yet let them open in Cheshire east was always going to cause this. The thing I find most weird is how brazen people are on social media about it completely unarsed about showing themselves being dicks, on July 4th saw groups of 15+ lads all posting pics in the pub. Most people I know have broken the rules but its a bit like filming yourself driving posting on social media its weird.
England hospital deaths 3 wks v 2 wks v last wk v today:


246d // 54 // 22%

326d // 59 // 18%

338d // 64 // 19%

274d // 45 // 16% TODAY
It's useless. I returned on a plane early Nov (work/residency paperwork, not a jolly) and was expecting to be asked for proof of filling in the return form, address etc, as the posters around the airport were stressing. Nothing. Then a few days later a phone call.

'Just checking you're aware you should be staying at home for 14 days'
'I am'
'And to confirm you are doing that'
'Ok thanks, bye'

That was it.

I did btw, but hardly a deterrent to anyone who wants to take the piss.
A farce.
Where are you lot with the vaccine? Any word about how many doses the government has bought and how many they can vaccinate per week when the EMA clears it?
Not too dissimilar to the U.K. in regards to who gets it first. I think there’s around 15 categories with care homes and health professionals priority.
They expect the first batch to be rolled out between Jan/Feb then every couple of months the next in line to get theirs. The aim is for everyone to have had it by end of summer.
Clearly bollox - Not having to wait for aproval from 27 other nations public health administrations clearly enabled the UK to approve the vaccine more quickly

Why don't you just read the fucking article linked, which clearly explains why that's not true instead of ignoring it and repeating something that's been proven to be bullshit.
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