******Cricket Thread******

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Avoiding the farce down under for a monent; I'd heard about Bumble falling on his sword and leaving Sky. But I only read this morning that Michael Holding has also left them. Damn, that's a crying shame. I could listen to him reading out the phone book. Sky have lost/got rid of some serious talent in the last few years. Gower, Botham (though he wasn't my cup of tea), Atherton (?), Bumble and Holding. Has Isa Guha left them as well, I don't recall seeing or hearing too much from her last summer?
Atherton is the only one left at Sky from your list.

Guha went to the BBC for The Hundred and works for other broadcasters around the world, a bit like Mark Nicholas.
Avoiding the farce down under for a monent; I'd heard about Bumble falling on his sword and leaving Sky. But I only read this morning that Michael Holding has also left them. Damn, that's a crying shame. I could listen to him reading out the phone book. Sky have lost/got rid of some serious talent in the last few years. Gower, Botham (though he wasn't my cup of tea), Atherton (?), Bumble and Holding. Has Isa Guha left them as well, I don't recall seeing or hearing too much from her last summer?

Cricket on television without David Lloyd won`t be the same. A warning for Sky, "you don`t miss something until it`s gone."
Whilst some of the dullards that remain may know their stuff, they don`t have the presence that Bumble has.
well that so call team talk and a kick up the bum worked didn't it ? it will be over in 3 days and australia will only need to bat once.

the coach root and the rest need sacking and starting all over again. even if we pick all youth and try and build for the future we would give them time and could take getting beat. this shower of shit are not worth watching.
the barmy army should line them up next to a wall and shoot the lot
That's probably it, actually. I'd prefer Nick Knight of that type of presenter. Rob Key is another one I can't really warm to. Or (whisper it) Botham,though he's gone.
The thing that is starting to grate with me is the commentators asking “Will it go to the boundary? Yes it does” oh and “maximum“.
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