PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think that is the most likely outcome too, it will be a re-run of UEFA’s but more proof needed.

They won’t be able to prove fraud, then everything will become time barred and we will have got away with it (it seems slightly predictable if we have both read it right).

The 115 charges has worked well for them rather then just charging us for FFP, has really played out in the public as they would have wanted.

My advice to blues is to wear it once this is all over, 115, got of on a technicality, time barred etc. I know we want everyone to know we are innocent but nothing we will say will ever change some opposing fans mind who listens to Simon Jordan all day.

So go the opposite, United did it back in the day when everyone was accusing them of having FA/ refs in their pocket.

They sung we do what we want…Was a frustrating chant when they where successful.

That should be City fans response, really wind up the opposition once we are cleared on this technicality as they will no doubt claim.

Were Man City, we’ll spend what we want

City, City, the best lawyers in the land and all the world

Long away trip…

There was 115 charges by the Premier League, 115 charges by the Premier League and if Lord Pannick was to get 1 time barred, there would be 114 charges by the Premier League.

This last one is a joke, as I don’t think anyone would want to sing all those verses
Time barred my lord, time barred.
still no development on our case as per last week's suggested "leak".

has to come today or tomorrow morning to be able for media to run it up in the news just before the Spurs game.
Probably today, Thursday so it can gain some momentum before Fridays game .
It always amazes me just how much has been thrown at City compared to Chelsea.
I know Chelsea had it a bit, all the Chelski stuff etc, but it was nothing compared to what has been thrown & continues to be thrown at our club.
Even a **** like Abramovich got an easy side compared to our owner.
Sky will be complaining about this ffp stuff if the transfer window carries on like this!
It’s currently the 21st lowest January spend out of the last 22 and makes their ‘transfer show’ effectively redundant.
What football fans should be reflecting on is that, instead of Everton, Forest and the rest wailing “but what about City”, that Newcastle, allegedly the ‘richest club in the world’ are not only unable to buy anyone (they couldn’t afford a loan for Phillips ffs), they are actively looking to sell, in order to meet ffp.
What is really happening is that any threat to the established order is, effectively, over. Well done everyone, you appear to have got what the red shirts wanted you to get and, rather brilliant I suppose, persuaded you to vote for.
If they can now somehow finish off City and Chelsea, their hegemony will be forever protected, and things can go back to how they always were in the PL era.
I get that football is tribal, but that ‘what about city’ question really is the biggest distraction going, hence why it’s actively encouraged. Other fans talking about ‘the top 6’ cartel, this lumping us in there as well, are also being wilfully ignorant about what City fans (and M Samuel, to be fair) have been saying for over 10 years.

Finally, the PL and UEFA seem to be the most corrupt of organisations, in many people‘s eyes, unless they’re talking about City, and then they morph into bastions of high moral authority! Mind you, the discredited media, who will tell lies about literally anything, are also viewed as honest brokers when discussing City, so I don’t suppose we should be surprised……
We're only in the "Top 6 Cartel" based on success & league position. The rest are there regardless of what they win or where they finish.

They need to stop lumping City in the same chamber pot as the Red Top Mafia, Chavs & Spuds. They don't like us or want us there alongside them, hence FFP/PSR.
It always amazes me just how much has been thrown at City compared to Chelsea.
I know Chelsea had it a bit, all the Chelski stuff etc, but it was nothing compared to what has been thrown & continues to be thrown at our club.
Even a **** like Abramovich got an easy side compared to our owner.

Especially they admitted that Abramovich paid players from secret accounts to get them to there club and Hazard was one of them the player we wined and dined then ended up going to Chelsea because they bribed him! That there is a sporting advantage and should be docking points but because they are shite not a mention
No comment is no good for either party, it makes suspicious.

The simple fact remains, UEFA charged us and found us guilty but CAS overturned in our favour , end of story and nothing to be seen from here.

It was a headline and a non story.
It should have been ‘end of story’ …except Ceferin chose to give an interview where he brought it back to life. There are a 100 ways he could have batted the loaded questions away with no controversy but he chose to start the war again.

It’s lead to headlines in every media outlet and all the usual suspects having a feeding frenzy. Ffs even Rui Pinto has got involved !!!

I suspect it was all deliberate from Ceferin. He is currently changing rules to tru and allow him to stay on as head of UEFA which has led to his ally Bobin resigning today and causing chaos at UEFA. I’m sure the interview was all part of his big plan
It should have been ‘end of story’ …except Ceferin chose to give an interview where he brought it back to life. There are a 100 ways he could have batted the loaded questions away with no controversy but he chose to start the war again.

It’s lead to headlines in every media outlet and all the usual suspects having a feeding frenzy. Ffs even Rui Pinto has got involved !!!

I suspect it was all deliberate from Ceferin. He is currently changing rules to tru and allow him to stay on as head of UEFA which has led to his ally Bobin resigning today and causing chaos at UEFA. I’m sure the interview was all part of his big plan
Cefrin likes us, he was asked a question by the media, seeing the PL and FFP (Forrest, Everton, Chelsea and Us) it is big news , it was a relevant question.
No other industry I know of places restrictions on self financed owner spending.

Self made successful builder uses overdraft to buy development land to build out and become more successful employing more labour.

His Federation doesn’t prevent him !!

A revolution is coming,started by CITY & I like it .
100% correct and why FFP is so very wrong.
the mental gymnastics by the press and other fans to make city look like the bad guys is unbelievable, they are bad bad people for charging everton and forest but absolutely correct for charging city, they are helping city out by dragging it out as long as possible but doing that while charging us, the pl are against all the other clubs and helping city while also trumping up charges to a press happy number when it isnt even close to that many, the cognitive dissonance is absolutely insane.

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