Third party ticket sites and City / West Ham game

30 year waiting list for a season ticket at Anfailed? I don’t know what I’m doing this weekend let alone when I might be dead or living far, far away. Hopefully the latter.
Although it pains me to reference them, Liverpool for an example are completely transparent about their season ticket numbers. They now have 26k after a further thousand new ones were issued with the opening of the expanded Anfield Road stand. There is a waiting list that has been closed to join for over ten years but where everyone on it can see their number in the queue and can see how they have moved up marginally each year (estimated wait is around 30 years).

The club is moving as quickly as possible to get closer to the proportion of SCs as them so I'd expect a nominal number of new ones being sold when the expanded NS opens. It will be filled with relocations (with many vacated seats not offered as SCs), GA & GA+ and a token number of new SCs. As a SC holder I'm aware that I'm in a very privileged position and it is why I've advised people who were saying they were thinking of not renewing to reconsider. The chances of the vast majority of people who currently want one actually getting one are slim to zero.
I think the team fall off from Pep leaving, (you only have to look at Liverpool to see how hard it is to get the right manager to replace Klopp), in the coming years, will focus minds at City with an extra 8000 seats to fill. When there is an inevitable downturn in the teams performance after Pep leaves, the legacy and hardcore fans will still turn up, will our new supporters, day trippers, tourists and football fans still turn up?

Unfortunately I agree with IMB. I think people may be disappointed at the number of new season tickets made available when the new stand is completed.

They seem to be very short term in their approach and want to milk the Pep era for all it's worth. I imagine it's only when Pep and Soriano are back in Spain and we aren't consistently in the title race will there be a re-calibration regarding ticketing.
Unfortunately I agree with IMB. I think people may be disappointed at the number of new season tickets made available when the new stand is completed.

They seem to be very short term in their approach and want to milk the Pep era for all it's worth. I imagine it's only when Pep and Soriano are back in Spain and we aren't consistently in the title race will there be a re-calibration regarding ticketing.

Doesn't the new North stand open during or after Pep's last season? When does Pep's current contract end?
Doesn't the new North stand open during or after Pep's last season? When does Pep's current contract end?

Going a bit off topic, but if Pep doesn't renew it's next summer. Completion date if I'm not mistaken is the following season.
Whilst I wouldn’t be surprised if City are compIicit I imagine it is easy if you are Corporate. Earlier this season I missed an away game because I was let down by travel literally on the day of the match (no trains or planes running due to floods) - i could get a reprint at the venue but you need ID of the person who bought the ticket (my son lives down south so was still going and was gonna take a mate instead) and obv I was no longer going. However I found out if the tickets are part of the 15% corporate then they are (even away tickets) in effect “anybodies“ so the name doesn’t matter.As long as my son said who they belong to it was fine to pick up, but if they were part of the normal away allocation then it wasn’t as I can - in effect - do what I want with my away tickets. Therefore I imagine if you wanted to and regularly get tickets through Corporate you could flog them through any site(just for info, I don't and never would - anyone that ever sells a ticket at an inflated price is a total cxxt)

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