Recent content by calumdown

  1. C

    Post Something Interesting

    and knees and boompsadaises she's late, i know that much. she fell out with me last night because i beat her at chess. i think you once, a long time ago, offered to play me, didn't you?
  2. C

    Post Something Interesting

  3. C

    Post Something Interesting

    they have everything here. emergency health care is free if you say you have no money. i know you were, so was i. i'm a painter. an extraordinarily great one at that. this is not new news to bluemoon. now leave me alone and go and jest someone else. i'm going out to meet my new russian lover...
  4. C

    Post Something Interesting

    that's why i asked what do you mean? what do you mean? what services are you meaning? not everything you read on google is true :) until i become a resident here i will be required to declare my income to hmrc uk. once i become a resident (a fairly swift process) i will become self-employed...
  5. C

    Post Something Interesting

    how do you mean? your bins are emptied and the streets are cleaned every night after midnight. nowt new. same thing, just being an artist.
  6. C

    Post Something Interesting

    in morocco you don't pay income tax. what you earn is your own. imagine that.
  7. C

    Where did you watch the game?

    it must have been some adventure back then through the desert. now there's a motorway so it's easy and naturally brings in more tourism, but i'm pleased to inform you there are no yankie multinationals. no burgerkings, no mcdiabetes, nothing. only local shops, stalls, cafes, bars, etc, so it...
  8. C

    Where did you watch the game?

    for those of us who weren't lucky enough to have been at the match... i had some rivers all set up on my laptop, then about 3:30pm the wi-fi went down at my place in essaouira. typical, fucking typical. i found a dive with a big tv showing the build-up to the arsenal game. it cost me a little...
  9. C


    you're sound too, s.i.p. the journey was mental. i'll tell it soon. every day in marok is mental. today, for example, waiting for a taxi i got talking to a fella from senegal, proper head-to-toe colourful get-up, with dreads. (taxis cost 80 dirhams no matter where you are going = 60p)...
  10. C


    oh, thought you might be in a hammam or summat getting a rub-down. it's fucking caking here.
  11. C


    where are you? steamy in a good way or a bad way?
  12. C

    Salford Swimming Baths burnt down.

    i prefer a good old-fashioned breast-stroke myself.
  13. C

    Fulham (A) - Sat 11th May, 12:30 | PL | Pre-Match Thread

    freezing breath on a window pane?
  14. C

    Fulham (A) - Sat 11th May, 12:30 | PL | Pre-Match Thread

    @shadygiz mate, the you-know-whats work perfectly here in morocco. thanks, blue.

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