First ever Black Hole Picture

I enjoy reading about it. However, I am not quite sure I ever fully understand what is going on.

It is just so vast I can't, as you say, comprehend the numbers involved.

I am sure I read something about the distances involved at a cosmic scale, in shot they explained that if you imagined a light year being the equivilent of an inch then he nearest star after the sun would be a mile away.

In another book i read about some stars having rain fall, if i recall the droplets are obviously not water but a plasma. they estimated that some of the droplets of plasma that fall back to the surface are the size of cities.

The mid boggles
Space intrigues me, it amazes me. But it also mashes my head and i cant get my head around most of it. Im just too thick i guess.

What does my head is the infinity of it all. Just cant get my head around there being no end, I mean if there was an edge of space, like a wall of sorts...whats on the other side of that wall? Messes my mind up thinking it goes on and on and on and on and on and on.......
What does my head is the infinity of it all. Just cant get my head around there being no end, I mean if there was an edge of space, like a wall of sorts...whats on the other side of that wall? Messes my mind up thinking it goes on and on and on and on and on and on.......

Yeah that gets me. How can something go on ... forever.

Also.. is it just us or is there something else out there ? Read something that basically said when something is infinite their is infinite possibilities.
Frazzles me brain a tell thee

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