Talking birds


Well-Known Member
18 Aug 2009
Talking sensible nonsense...; )
Have you got a Parrot, Parakeet, Budgie, Cockatoo, Mynah bird or any other talking bird? If so what does it say?

A rag mate of mine for over 20 years has an African Grey Parrot. My mate Jimmy had lived in England many years and still has a strong Glaswegian accent.
His parrot Casper never fails to amuse me when I hear it talk, especially when it's swears. He's tried teaching it(many times) to say "fuck off you blue twat", but the parrot won't say it: )
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We had a cockatiel for 35 years(average lifespan 10-15)he said hello and goodbye and lifted his foot to wave.did the phone and laurel and hardy tune note perfect. Him and the cat were best buddies. Preferred fried rice and peas and quavers to his own food
Nope, but I went to get my haircut yesterday and ended up with a sliced ear as a baby pigeon decided to fly into the barbers and land on my shoulder.
We used to have a Starling in the garden that could do a perfect imitation of a hoover.

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