How Do You Say ...

no such word as dunt but still hear it every day.
Our language is in need of "accents" to accommodate the variety of accents that are prevalent throughout the land. Written "manc" is nothing like how it's pronounced, i.e. hiya is pronounced eyeoeh, jimmy is jimmeh, later is lateoeh, cockney/southern where u becomes a, fack orf you great cant, wanker becomes wankhah, a becomes ai, aindbawl, th becomes v as in "dont vese noverners toke fanny". Midlandese, as yam yam, cheeps and gryvey on a plight . Scouse where d replaces most first letters as in "Ah but day do dough dont dee " . Bastardised localised and marmalised, poor old english language.
no such word as dunt but still hear it every day.
Our language is in need of "accents" to accommodate the variety of accents that are prevalent throughout the land. Written "manc" is nothing like how it's pronounced, i.e. hiya is pronounced eyeoeh, jimmy is jimmeh, later is lateoeh, cockney/southern where u becomes a, fack orf you great cant, wanker becomes wankhah, a becomes ai, aindbawl, th becomes v as in "dont vese noverners toke fanny". Midlandese, as yam yam, cheeps and gryvey on a plight . Scouse where d replaces most first letters as in "Ah but day do dough dont dee " . Bastardised localised and marmalised, poor old english language.
Dunt wunt shunt ****

Sparrers arrers winders pillers

Owt o’ nowt

^ are all words I say

I also pRonounce a hard ‘r’ bRing me that bRilliant bRight bRoom

And me ’ouse is me ’ome, not ma House is ma Home like younger Mancs (who sound more Cockney than Manc these days) say

However, I do not say keckle bockle hospickle

or ’eees (for his)

or de do dat dough don’t de dough like younger Mancs say.

Young Mancunian lads sound like fucking cunts these days. That over pronounced ‘L’ they do makes me want to punch them square in the face “yo a lllike da lllook a dat dere bro” ... FUCK OFF!
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Americans fucking wind me up with their ways of (mis)pronouncing words on cookery shows like -
‘Erbs instead of herbs
Baysil instead of basil
Aluminum instead of aluminium

The wife watches that Pioneer Woman and I end up shouting at the tv whenever she’s saying things like that (sad I know!).
Americans fucking wind me up with their ways of (mis)pronouncing words on cookery shows like -
‘Erbs instead of herbs
Baysil instead of basil
Aluminum instead of aluminium

The wife watches that Pioneer Woman and I end up shouting at the tv whenever she’s saying things like that (sad I know!).
Septics can’t say a lot of words

It’s reSEARCH, not REsearch
It’s le-shur, not leee-shur
Their pronunciation of Milan is fucking nuts: Italians say Meelan, Brits say Milan, Septics say MilAAAN.
A squirrel looks in the mirror, a sqirrrrl does not look in the mirrrrrr.
A twat is a twat not a “twot” and a **** is a **** not a “cant”

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