What's your fave radio station?

I like LBC as it gives you the full spread from the loony right to the loony left and everything in the middle.. Nick Ferrari at breakfast is right up there with the best in terms of interviewing politicians and putting them on the spot, even though he's a bit right wing. You then get a healthy dose of the left (or liberal through the day until Edie Mair at drive time and then it's farage o'clock. Iain Dale in the evening is also very good at getting under the guard of politicians and very likeable for a tory. Majid Nawaz is also a very intelligent analyst of world affairs. The adverts can fuck off though. I wish the beeb could acheive a similar spread of views on R4 so I could do without commercial radio.
Don't bother with music radio since streaming/spotify started.

Totally agree with this.

Ferrari is great in the morning, even for a raving lefty like myself. He reminds me a bit of the great mike Dicken of talksport (when that was a decent station)

James o'Brien is a good show, and a professional broadcaster, but he irritates me as he comes across as a typical leafy suburban privileged liberal who thinks the working class should do as they are told. That said hes an enjoyable listen.

I'm not a Farage fan but fair fucks to lbc for giving him a show. Millions of people love him.

Iain Dale is a superb broadcaster and comes across as a decent bloke. I'm no tory, but he is fantastic to listen to.

I've listened to it for about a year now after getting rid of talksport, it's great.
LBC but that Sheila Fogarty is a patronising ****. I turn off when she comes on. The rest of them are good.
I like anything that is on Medium Wave, especially that presenter Colin Fry, mind you I am sure you knew I was going to post this.
I've been listening to Manchester XS radio the last few months. It's a bit like Absolute Radio without self opinionated DJs waffling shite between tracks.

Well XS used to be great, full of indie and alternative tunes, but it seems like it's become a pop music station just lately. Anyone know why this is?

You'll be properly pissed off soon as XS is going & being replaced by Capital Xtra


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