Positive news about Corona Virus Updates

Hospital deaths are now running at a lower rate than average for this time of year and excess deaths are rapidly coming down to the norm too. By the end of June we can confidently expect days with no Covid deaths at all.
Not by the end of June, we are still getting 1500-2000 new cases a day at least and 400 plus new hospital admissions every day, we won’t get to no deaths at all in just 4 weeks.
Edit , re read and see you said some days.
Brilliant. I really hope we can all get there one day, if not even better results.

on the face of it you could be right however I am pretty certain that the barrier for many will be the cost of travel insurance. I'd imagine the premiums for travellers - particularly for those with underlying issues - and if foreigners keep going to places, getting sick and causing local medical services issues how long before some countries will insist on proof of you holding travel insurance was well as a blue passport. I know this is the thread for good news but just raising something which I keep thinking doesn't get a much deserved mention in relation to restarting holiday travel.
The wife was chopping onions when that came on

I've mentioned before but there is a lass on my street who has gone back in on the Covid wards in James Cook Hospital. She came home to her shielding mum last Thursday - she stood at the foot of the drive to speak to her and then left taking her dog with her to her temporary accommodation. All the neighbours clapped her out of the street - I had been mowing the lawn and after she left I found myself kneeling behind the front hedge - bloody grass pollen affected me really badly.

That girl is our Local Hero.

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