Isis Threaten Champions league games

A good mate of mine was the same back when we were in our drinking days as young lads, his Dad found out and sent him to Pakistan for an arranged marriage, he came back a year later, got divorced and after battle with his own Father about it, hks Father told the police he was making bombs at home in retaliation... He was lucky to not get shot on his doorstep, he got his doors thoroughly kicked in and put in detention for months, he now lives in Scotland with an English woman and has fuck all to do with any of his Family.
Seen a few of these in the past, terror attacks have always been a risk with big games weather you like it not. The intel on these things is insane if it was unsafe it wouldn’t be going ahead imo and there is certainly more protection now.
Yes, you should always keep a sunny disposition and never let the rain clouds get you down
I know Isis lost the boat race last week but isn't this taking the retaliation a bit far. Maybe it was the poo in the thames thats tipped them over the edge
My mate’s son is out there. Said the police evacuated Plaza Mayor earlier - it was a UK copper who came over to them and it wasn’t the usual Madrid police thing where they were being dicks - and he’s now back in his apartment. He’s never seen as many police as he has today. He and his mates are debating what to do next and whether to even go to the game. These are young lads who wouldn’t normally be fazed.

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