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  1. L

    Is it just me that thinks the ejections are justified?

    you could both go out together you'd hav a top time. wots next no swearing , no drinking , no singing??? no beachballs , no laughin.....
  2. L

    Is it just me that thinks the ejections are justified?

    bet your a laugh on a night out.
  3. L

    Peter Fletcher and stewards (merged)

    Re: Peter Fletcher and stewards About 6 or 7 of em had to be escorted to a safe area by about 15 coppers a few weeks ago(south stand) served them rite for bullying a lad who they thought was on his own, until his mates turned up. the law is a load of bollocks, the club needs to find a solution...
  4. L

    This Mornings Radio Coverage..

    totally agree irani is a first class dick born in bolton lives in essex n supports ushited says it all.
  5. L

    What you wearing for Wembley?

    i think every blue should wear somethin blue even if its only a supporters badge but more importantly dont wear all fukin black. wot would be funny is if its glorious weather them numptys will look rite tools with the hoods up , gloves n goggles on!! fingers crossed its sunny.
  6. L

    Chicken Balti Pies

    well said! they WERE superb now they are SHITE. used to buy two when ide gone on the piss and not had any breakfast, had one about a month ago and it was that hangin i wouldnt hav feed it to mi dog.
  7. L

    Wembley Way Trouble

    lets get one thing STRAIGHT ime travelling in a group and we see your primark shithouses slappin fellow blues and you think we should turn the other cheek?? yeah rite. you rednoses make me laugh. oh i forgot you do wot you want...well we'll see.
  8. L

    Wembley Way Trouble

    wot a load of old bollocks the rags you spoke to are fukin wankers. a load?? wot the fuck are they gonna do when COACH AFTER COACH OF CITY LADS turn up on mass? if they start they will get twatted all over the place. STOP WITH ALL THE SHIT.
  9. L

    City/Scum on the train down, Manchester to Euston.

    the red army have still got 2 coaches to fill!! surely not. one or two coaches ov moodys and 6 ov the green n gold confused, wanting to have a picture with the uncle tez. big fukin deal, i know (cos me n 6 mates are on it) of 3 x 60 odd seaters of city (no kids) just from one area!! at a...
  10. L

    Harrow town centre for wembley

    stanmores alright worked there a fair bit its a nice place cant remember any pub names but there was a good old fashion boozer on the broadway just after church road on the left.
  11. L

    Foam hands/t-shirts just make me cringe.

    yeh man! fukin daft t-shirts?saying wembley i think we all should wear "moody" black jackets. ime off to matalan now. when ime down there at wembley if i see anyone with a foam hand ime gonna set it alight i mean how dare they bring such disgace on our club. ( i think they might be aimed at...
  12. L

    Mancini requests another £100m for new players

    between now n wembley i reckon the sad mugs that are the " english un biased press!!" will run approx 43 different "scoops" to try and undermine us before the game against the shite. these wankers are so predictable its untrue. the line they will go down is....the world of football is on...
  13. L

    Kenny Clements

    imagine havin the full tache n full tight perm now youd get ninety mins of piss takin!
  14. L

    Kenny Clements

    i hope his hairdo has changed! found a proramme from 87 the other week if memory serves v sunderland he was captain and big fat brownbag sam was playin for sunderland.
  15. L

    Sat down at Chelsea

    i wasnt there but cant remember the last time i sat down at an away game and to think we took the piss out of blackpool n notts county for it!! just hope were not on the slippery slope of turning away proper city fans just to grab in a bunch of posh with dosh merchants.
  16. L

    100,000 rats.

    ha ha fukin bullshit like the 250,000 they took to barca 99 these posts biggin them up make me piss. most blues i know are going in big groups, the rats that are there for trouble will defo find it and get double back. and to any blues that think you should stand there and take the shit off...
  17. L

    In town today

  18. L

    In town today

    i know wot ure sayin but i do know the odd couple who actually do go and know a little bit about football!!! and actually respect the shit us lot have been through over the years. but sayin that it is an extreme exception anyway cmon you ammers.
  19. L

    In town today

    To balance it up i reply to the rednoses with "hey mate uve got some shit on yer shirt" or my other favourite "get that shit off" the problem with manure fans is they cant get it that people support other teams than them and especially us! Its a bit like the old when were on the googlebox in...
  20. L

    No criteria for citycard

    yeah rite.<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:54 pm --<br /><br />goin out for a good scoop, should balance the scales a bit cos there's a lot of poeple on here who are on drugs if they think its ok for "new" s/card holders to get a ticket even though theyve probably only seen city 20 times in the...

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