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  1. S

    Oh so clear now that Bluemoon is Pro Hughes.

    lol! if you can't see the imagery in that sentence, its no use to explain it.
  2. S

    Oh so clear now that Bluemoon is Pro Hughes.

    Soooooooo, let me get this right. If someone does not like the manager...he's not a real fan? Lets see if Hughes ever wins anything. After the years and wasted millions go by, what will you say then? Spurs won 9-1 today with 21 new players since January 2008!! Hughes has 6 draws in a row and...
  3. S

    Oh so clear now that Bluemoon is Pro Hughes.

    Nowhere in any part of that thread do i say "WE". It was all 1st person tense. How did I then try to make it like it was from everyone at bluemoon*?
  4. S

    Oh so clear now that Bluemoon is Pro Hughes.

    make 2 threads. 1st thread being "Hughes is the best manager in the world" 2nd thread being "Hughes is the worst manager in the world" (not saying he is) 2 things guaranteed to happen on bluemoon. Thread 1 stays and thread 2 gets buried. Now how is that democratic?
  5. S

    Oh so clear now that Bluemoon is Pro Hughes.

    Bluemoon should be renamed Hughes' Brigade lol
  6. S

    Oh so clear now that Bluemoon is Pro Hughes.

    Wrote an open letter to Khaldoon on bluemoon that was anti Hughes, and what happend? Its gets moved and buried into an obscure thread on Hughes outers on page 11. The bias is so thick in here you can cut it with a knife. Forget about free speech or debate on bluemoon. Here its George Bush...
  7. S

    in the defence of the hughes outers

    Re: To Mr.Khaldoon al-Mubarak: Hughes is NOT the man for the job :) lol
  8. S

    in the defence of the hughes outers

    To Mr.Khaldoon al-Mubarak: Hughes is NOT the man for the job I figure that since you have said in your interview on that you read bluemoon, that you may read this. First off, I am forever grateful to Sheik Mansoor for buying the club and being so gracious in usuing his vast...
  9. S

    Can u see it now? Back Pass - Back Pass - Keeper - Long Ball

    At Blackburn, the hoof long ball from defence and hope it gets to a Blackburn player was a known Blackburn tactic. It is clearly apparent that we have now become Blackburn City. So many times against Liverpool, the ball was spread around the back four, with no one willing to take the...
  10. S

    Tactical again

    I see your point. I still am not sold on him. I just don't see us as a winning team with him at the helm. I want to believe in him but the past weeks have been so frustrating to see the lack of creativity in building our plays. I swear, today at the sports bar, everyone was like "oh God no...
  11. S

    Tactical again

    Nope, they bought the team on the last day of the transfer window. Season had already started and was too late to get a quality coach as all had been taken. They had no choice but to stick with Hughes.
  12. S

    Tactical again

    Back pass - Back pass - to Keeper - then long ball. That's been the tactics of late. Was starting the tolerate Hughes but beginning to have a serious dislike of him as manager. When his face is on the tv, I just think "Idiot! He does not have a clue" Guaranteed! If the owners bought the team...
  13. S

    'We are 6th and only lost once all year blah blah'

    well 6 draw = 6pts 3 wins = 9pts so yeah, winning 3 and losing 3 is MUCH better than drawing 6...but hey "we've lost just ONCE this season right?" That's exactly how we get blinded from the reality of dropping 12 pts from the last 18 available.
  14. S

    Time to give Bentley a chance.

    do we have a raffle going on?
  15. S

    Guus Hiddink needs a new job.......

    I would rather have Hiddink spending money in January than Hughes. FFS Bentley?!!
  16. S

    Guus Hiddink needs a new job.......

    Even if we make top 4 with Hughes I would still want Hiddink. He'S a Top Top quality manager. One of the best in the world and now AVAILABLE!
  17. S

    UAE 've got to be kidding me!

    Now that is uncalled for. Its not even funny, because physical abuse against women is wrong. You don't like what I have written fine. Make you case against it, call me what you will. But the line has to be drawn somewhere and calling or associating me to being "a wife beater". Thats highly...
  18. S

    UAE 've got to be kidding me!

    Wait, wait, wait. The PR going on? After this result what do you think the "people of UAE" are thinking of City right now? Some of them have never seen us play before and this game is supposed to "win them over". That's the PR. You think the Sheik is feeling good right now? Hughes? GREAT PR!
  19. S

    UAE 've got to be kidding me!

    Lets call it "self therapy". I felt much better after writing my rant :)
  20. S

    UAE 've got to be kidding me!

    I'm entitled to my rant and the fact that I take the loss so badly shows how much I care about City. If I wanted to support another team, I wouldn't care or be on here.

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