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  1. R

    Mangala joins Valencia on a Permanent deal

    Are you not allowed to compare players now? Im not slagging off either. They were chosen for the club by an individual hopefully the latter isnt here anymore and maybe the club will learn from their mistakes. But hey keep rolling your eyes for taking what i said out of context
  2. R

    Frank Field Quits Labour

    Every thread turns into a Corbyn bashing thread. Forum was decent to start with and had potential but its quickly turning to shit and being allowed to.
  3. R

    Theresa May (DodgeBall)

    Against United ;)
  4. R

    We’re bombing Syria

    There is about to be an offensive on Idlib and there is no doubt that Assad will again use chemical weapons on the FSA, and the Al Qaeda factions in the area. Its also going to be another war crime committed this time by Russia and Syria as they will take out Syrian innocents in all this too...
  5. R

    We’re bombing Syria

    I told you why in the PM. Why are you making me out to be something im not? @Moderating Team am i allowed to share the pm i sent? That doesnt break COC does it?
  6. R

    Yemen School Bus Attack

    human beings in general or considered collectively.
  7. R

    Yemen School Bus Attack

    Do you just read what you want to read
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    Yemen School Bus Attack

    The question should be should we have gone in in the first place Personally i dont believe it is something we should have involved ourselves with. Its something i have asked many times on here. Who is the greater threat to the British Isles, Assad or ISIS and Al Qaeda? Honestly cannot answer...
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    Yemen School Bus Attack

    The reason i have asked for the Syria thread to be moved is because it is expected that another chemical attack is imminent in Idlib. Currently NGOs are trying to evacuate the area but honestly there is not enough time. Have a google on idlib, you'll see the propoganda has already started, but...
  10. R

    Tories spend £200m to stop disability benefits

    Tory Austerity and Cuts always target the weak and vulnerable. 2 days ago Last week...
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    Frank Field Quits Labour

    So an anti-semitic has resigned from the Labour party and the right on here are complaining about it? Do they want rid of anti-semitism or not? Must be Corbyn's fault
  12. R

    Frank Field Quits Labour

    He voted against Labour on Brexit, well known he's about to become deselected so hands in a resignation letter sighting anti-semitism. And lets not forget he was one of the new labour lot.
  13. R

    The Nasty Party lives

    Like Sweden?
  14. R

    Theresa May (DodgeBall)

    Did you not know, Jeremy dances at Cenotaph's? Silly me, that was another smear. Lets not make this into another anti Corbyn thread, you have one of those to throw your toys at. When the world starts taking the piss.....
  15. R

    Theresa May (DodgeBall)

    She and her party are absolute hypocrites! The moment she stepped into that cell she wound back history and reminded us how the Tories supported the imprisonment of Mandela, aparthied, and laughed and mocked Corbyn and others who protested against the imprisonment and for the freedom of black...
  16. R

    Theresa May (DodgeBall)

    What an utter embarrassment and she cant see these peole are now taking the piss. What a muppet she is. Her latest moves. Can't lead a dance just like her nation. Bez' moves looked more sane
  17. R

    Yemen School Bus Attack

    Before anyone decides to compare me to Jeremy Corbyn again, which i now see as a huge compliment so thank you for referring to me as you do him, here is another article which details the extreme abuse against humans and something our government is complicit in...
  18. R

    Yemen School Bus Attack

    I dont engage with people who throw insults around. I just dont agree with humans inserting metal bars or wooden broom handles into other human beings
  19. R

    Theresa May (DodgeBall)

    At 24 seconds you can tell the embarrassment has gone on long enough. They’re calling for a time out

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