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  1. S

    Opposition view: Sunderland

    Many thanks from Salut! Sunderland to Mark for a cracking set of replies to our questions. Who knows? It might prompt Reidy or Big Niall to get along to a MCDSA evening .... I mention this thread at <a class="postlink"...
  2. S

    Terrible support (Sunderland view)

    39,000 is not bad considering the dross we;ve been served up this season and for many, many of the previous seasons . But many thanks to the Bluemooners who have been over to Salut! Sunderland in recent days ...
  3. S

    Official Match Thread | Sunderland vs City 14th March

    Sunderland fan here ... this will be our third out of four home games on the trot. I made seven points my minimum and the way we'd been playing that seemed ambitious. We have four so far and I'd settle for a draw against you if we could then beat Brum. Having thumped Bolton will boost...

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