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    Calling all Bluemoon Muso's

    Here's an original and a cover from a duo (Seedhead) in which i play bass :
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    Wonders of the Universe

    I stumbled across this site yesterday, absolutely fascinating:
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    I'm thinking about giving up alcohol. Advice needed!

    I've recently knocked it on the head due to prolonged hangovers and wasting too many weekends feeling like a bag of shit. Read Jason Vale's 'Kick the Drink Easily', it's easy to read and actually makes you not want to drink. Good luck!!
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    Are you still playin footy in your later years?

    I'm 43 and was playing 5-a-side 'til just over a year ago when i injured my groin (or so i thought!). Turns out it's arthritis and i've had to hang up my football boots / running shoes / tennis and squash shoes and climbing shoes. Just cycling machines and swimming now and it's bloody tedious!!
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    The Greengrocer's Apostrophe

    I'm finding it hard to stay awake reading 6 pages of this thread, i think i'm slipping into a boredom induced comma.
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    MCFC V NY Red Bulls Tonight.

    Mods, look out, i think Gary Glitter's on line!!
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    I've had them under my floor boards for the last couple of years in my ground floor flat, they're bloody noisy and keep me awake at night. The council came around and put some poison down, which killed them but when they came back to retrieve the carcasses they couldn't find them so my flat...
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    If you're scared of death, this Philip Larkin poem will cheer you up Aubade I work all day, and get half-drunk at night. Waking at four to soundless dark, I stare. In time the curtain-edges will grow light. Till then I see what's really always there: Unresting death, a whole day nearer...
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    free online movies?

    I was talking about this with a mate down the pub last night, he recommended isohunt, not tried it yet though.
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    the sexiest bird on the planet

    Probably not the best Shag, but what a pair of Great Tits!!
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    Cheggers Plays Pop
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    John Cooper Clarke
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    Name that tune? I'm tearing my hair out!! Is this it?
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    Name that tune? I'm tearing my hair out!!

    Sounds like 'The Liquidator' by Harry J All Stars (sorry can't get on Youtube to post a link at the mo)
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    Adebayor (Merged)

    Yes, this is outrageous, it's obvious that after seeing 3 of his colleagues gunned to death, the first thing Ade would think of is 'how do i wind up and offend the fans of the club who pay my wages'. To avoid a repeat performance of this debacle we should: 1) When Ade next plays, boo every...
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    Bellamy -take the putter from the nutter, stop the MUTTer.

    Re: Bellamy wants out-MH's mouthpiece? Is this 'blueplan'?
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    Hughes To Be Sacked [Merged]

    Re: it's done Got to agree mate, if the owners are serious we need to be getting someone like Ennio Morricone.
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    Sod the semi's and the league cup

    Nothing less than 13 points from the next four games or else Hughes should walk!!
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    The English and their English...

    Oh the iron knee
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    The English and their English...

    thirty chairs our knotting stilling thick erect in four mace shunning cider pew pill zeds

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