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  1. G

    "If we win the league I will...."

    this <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
  2. G

    Mike Riley

    Upon reading this thread, I only really have one thing to say......KANSAS CITY SHUFFLE....that is all.
  3. G

    Balotelli Apology

    fan·tas·tic/fanˈtastik/ Adjective: Imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality. Thats not 'my' definition but the dictionary one.But hey so what....your wrong.Learn to think before typing.
  4. G

    Balotelli Apology

    The above players you mentioned are great footballers, please read my post again and again if you have trouble understanding it.
  5. G

    Balotelli Apology

    I agree.
  6. G

    Balotelli Apology

    Thing is Mario is undoubtedly a fantasic footballer, no question.There are lots of footballers out there who are fantastic, but to be a great footballer you have to be totally professional meaning that you (as a professional) are paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks ie winning football...
  7. G

    Those who think there's no agenda need to read this...

    Week last Thursday guess who was having a little drink together at the Worsley Marriot? Slur Baconface, Martin O'Neill and Mr Mark Halsey, probably discussing the last game of the season and how it will pan out.Before you ask who saw it, I did with my very own peepers people.Will be interesting...
  8. G

    Vieira - the offensive begins/Ferguson rant (merged)

    Slur Baconface 'I would not sell them a virus' (sic) date 18/12/2008 26/6/2009 Ronaldo signs for Madrid.SOLD by Slur Baconface. People who live in Whiskey distilleries should NOT drink.
  9. G

    BBC BS

    one step beyond credibility, in fact a light year beyond a joke, take a bow for the silliest post ever. Talk about an agenda Indeed the BBC are the mouthpiece of the ruling elite, they spout the bile that they get told to by the shapeshifters of this country.That is...
  10. G

    Vieira - the offensive begins/Ferguson rant (merged)

    That particular publication is a very dodgy one in a sea of liquid shit which is also known as 'media for the masses'.I had a very interesting phone conversation with the new desk over lack of impartiality a few weeks ago and basically put the tool on the other end of the line firmly behind the...
  11. G

    Vieira - the offensive begins/Ferguson rant (merged)

    From a swamp site Vieira is a bit of a massive idiot isn't he. Scholes is 2 years older then him, and is still a better footballer. The fact City brought Vieira, and he hasn't even played for them this year, should set some alarm bells ringing in his own head. Didnt realise Bobby gave him a...
  12. G

    Vieira - the offensive begins/Ferguson rant (merged)

    So Slur Alex has ammunition?Whiskey bottles from himself and Robson probably.What they should do with those empties is take them to the bottle bank, but i'm quite sure that he doesn't know where the bank is re ginger out of retirement, but i'm pretty sure that the Glazers know where the bank is...
  13. G

    official "i was a city fan before we got successful" thread

    the date you joined this site really doesnt count in my eyes....its a good, no excellent forum but its just bs in relation to being a fan before August 2008 going to places like Ninian Park to see us rumbled by the taffs Curles poor penalty kick, then at full time having all the Cardiff lot...
  14. G

    Wayne Rooney (Merged)

    The one calling himself irishmacca, you indeed are no true blue, me thinks you may never have been to the likes of ninian park or sixfields (past history if you know what i mean) you defend a rag.......and try to be intelligent about it too.Pure Class.
  15. G

    Milner [Merged]

    Sky have got that rag James Cooper outside Eastlands right noe re Milner, lovely green trees about?Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. G

    Fair Play Craig

    Hear hear.I really hope he does well for them.We are paying probably most of his wage 90% plus i reckon.I would have prefered to see Robinho sat next to Dave Jones though.I think that he is the real reason for Craig's departure.
  17. G


    its done.
  18. G

    How Come Chelsea Sign Ramires - No Sweat?

    Ever thought that chelsea gave benfica the nod to sign him from cruzeiro in the first place, then to take him to chelsea at a later date.
  19. G

    John Bond

    John Bond is an out and out rag.....and hes well up twitchers arse believe me.
  20. G

    ESPN commentators.

    You should have listened to the commentary from setanta ireland..............anti city from the kick off.

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