£1 an hour


Well-Known Member
6 Jan 2009
great news for the mail readers: your dreams are about to come true.Slave labour is to become compulsory for the jobless,instead of the hugely generous £65 per week JSA for applying for work ,they will now be made to do 30 hours of menial tasks,clocking on and working flat-out until they clock off,being late or 'slacking' will be penalised by loss of benefits for 6 weeks.It is not clear where the punishment will take place,some suggestions by leading coalition mp's include street sweeping,preparing food for the homeless,cleaning public toilets and gardening.The gardeners and street-cleaners etc who lose their jobs will presumably then have to join the scheme,and swap minimum wage for the more realistic £1 an hour. Although prisoners will be better off than the work-shy feckless,these measures are seen as the answer to filling the millions of jobs on offer in the job market.The beneficiaries of these new rules will be the comfortably-off who can now expect to employ maids and butlers, chauffeurs even. at a 'realistic' cost,although that cost may change as a plan to give tax breaks for 'employers' is expected to be announced soon to off-set the expense of doing a public service by employing riff-raff making a net gain likely.Although not announced ,the administration of the punishment will not be by the government, but one of the admirable private sector companies who give such great value to the tax-payer,like the catering and service suppliers who give hospital patients and school-kids such excellent meals for less than £500 a week per person. There will be murmurings from the work-shy but these measures are for their own good, in a way,and they must realise that living like a millionaire without working for it is not fair.Although the scheme will be a burden on those who pay taxes,(those on PAYE) it will be very popular with a proportion of the public,which is where the mail readers come in.5% of the population.
As ever the government spectacularly fail to find middle ground. Unemployed people should have some work to avoid all the mental health effects of it, but obviously they shouldn't be treated like slaves.
great move... maybe getting a pound an hour will encourage some of the lazy benefit scrounging twunts to get a job. and no, i dont read the mail i despise the paper
supercity36 said:
maybe getting a pound an hour will encourage some of the lazy benefit scrounging twunts to get a job.


What about those who've been working for 30 years only to lose their job due to the 'cuts' (Private and public sector). Do they deserve this?
King Geedorah said:
supercity36 said:
maybe getting a pound an hour will encourage some of the lazy benefit scrounging twunts to get a job.


What about those who've been working for 30 years only to lose their job due to the 'cuts' (Private and public sector). Do they deserve this?

no, but equally the details and the finer points arent clear yet are they? all reports ive seen usually start with the "long term unemployed" so whether people whove just lost there jobs will do it im not sure. but yes you are right, no they dont and it would be a failing of that system if it happened.
How being forced to work in a charity shop or clean the streets of the shit decent working people throw at you whilst they walk past you in disgust whilst you slave away like some scumbag will give you a sense of worth i'm not sure? How it will improve your chances of finding work when there is none i'm not sure either. Or how 4 weeks forced work experience in a job anyone could do will automatically make you more employable than any of the thousands of other unemployed job seekers i'm not sure of either.

What i am sure of is that you will have thousands of workers working at bellow minimum wage for something they are no longer considered entitled too with the only benefit seeming to appease those who have been brainwashed by a right wing media, both goverments and with little understanding of the finer details of society providing society with a safe net from poverty, depravation and humilation.

It's a punishment. Nothing else. Comments suggesting they shouldn't get benefits for free highlight this. It will benefit no individual job seeker or society as a whole.
It's a punishment. Nothing else. Comments suggesting they shouldn't get benefits for free highlight this. It will benefit no individual job seeker or society as a whole.[/quote]
but some would argue that you deserve to be punished for being jobless and not rewarded.They have done on this forum many times.They will celebrate long and hard,like the french aristocracy at the plight of the peasants.Wonder if you can still get tumbrills,or will a lamp-post have to do
King Geedorah said:
As ever the government spectacularly fail to find middle ground. Unemployed people should have some work to avoid all the mental health effects of it, but obviously they shouldn't be treated like slaves.

Absolutely they shouldn't ....

if the government want to pay someone only £1 an hour to WORK for five hours a day , then it's they who should be taken to task , or court , over it ....... and not the unemployed ... some of whom have genuinely been trying to find jobs that will allow them to live on even a half decent wage.

A fair days pay for a fair days work should still apply .........

what the fuck's the point in having a mimimum wage 'ceiling' if they're now saying that they expect' people to work and live for less ?????

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