£1 an hour

adamgregory said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I appreciate that some people need more help than others and it's a nice service to have available. However, my attendance would have been a waste of time and money for not only myself but also the other attendees and the supervisors etc.

There's numerous documents I could produce which would prove my ability to both read and write to a reasonable standard. I chose not to attend as it was a waste of bus fare, bearing in mind at this point I had yet to receive any benefits, and I had better things to do such as looking for a job.

The whole ethos is pretty much along the lines of chemically castrating all men just to stop the 1% who like to rape from indulging themselves.

I've no doubt that benefit cheats are a minor problem in this country but I don't see why the majority should be treated like criminals in order to try to ensnare the small minority who abuse the system.

Benefits have long since been used as a way of life or a career instead of the safety net that it is meant to be. As depressing as it is, it's about towing the line with them doing what you have got to do to come through the other side and back to work.

Your anger should be aimed at the claimants of millions of £'s worth of benefits they are not entitled to, they are the problem not the state.

They are a problem, I agree. However I don't agree that the state aren't persecuting a majority due to the actions of a minority.

Shoplifting is a problem yet security guards do not treat every single customer as though they were already guilty prior to entering the store. Women do not treat all men as rapists until they can prove otherwise and so on and so on.

From my own personal experiences, signing on is a job in itself, it's humiliating, you're degraded from the start, the money you receive is barely adequate in some cases and you receive little to no help in actually securing a job as all your time with the job centre is spent attending all day courses and proving you are not a fraud.

A little help in getting unemployed people into employment would cut benefit costs drastically more than catching the few who abuse the system.

I'm not condoning those who abuse the system or justifying their actions; I just do not appreciate being treated like a criminal simply due to me being in between full time education and full time employment.

I certainly wouldn't have even considered working for £1 an hour whilst also limiting my time to actually seek real work.
smudgedj said:
Glazers_Wallet said:
theres no self respect working for £1 an hour, when there is immigrants coming into this country and working for £6. joke country.

Well isn't that the point? Take the £6 an hour and get off the benefit system.

WHY SHOULD I BE PUNISHED BECAUSE OF THESE LAZY CUNTS WHO ARE USUALLY ON JEREMY KYLE. I've been working since i left scool, you can't tar all us young english lads with the same brush, there is some right lazy twats out there and it pisses me off. im a good working lad me. and i enjoy a bit of graft.
Glazers_Wallet said:
smudgedj said:
Well isn't that the point? Take the £6 an hour and get off the benefit system.

WHY SHOULD I BE PUNISHED BECAUSE OF THESE LAZY CUNTS WHO ARE USUALLY ON JEREMY KYLE. I've been working since i left scool, you can't tar all us young english lads with the same brush, there is some right lazy twats out there and it pisses me off. im a good working lad me. and i enjoy a bit of graft.

But you would rather do fuck all instead of work for £6 an hour?
Dont tell me, let me guess? Your one of the long term unemployed who doesnt want to work![/quote]
you got me there guvnor bang to rights fair cop.Dont want to work any more, 44 years was enough.Never had benefits or dole either. But i am one of the lucky ones,there was'nt 60 applicants for every post on the occasions i was made redundant,unlike today.It's 'you're' by the way:)
bellbuzzer said:
Dont tell me, let me guess? Your one of the long term unemployed who doesnt want to work!
you got me there guvnor bang to rights fair cop.Dont want to work any more, 44 years was enough.Never had benefits or dole either. But i am one of the lucky ones,there was'nt 60 applicants for every post on the occasions i was made redundant,unlike today.It's 'you're' by the way:)[/quote]

Sort your mistakes out before correcting others. It's wasn't ;-D
smudgedj said:
Glazers_Wallet said:
WHY SHOULD I BE PUNISHED BECAUSE OF THESE LAZY CUNTS WHO ARE USUALLY ON JEREMY KYLE. I've been working since i left scool, you can't tar all us young english lads with the same brush, there is some right lazy twats out there and it pisses me off. im a good working lad me. and i enjoy a bit of graft.

But you would rather do fuck all instead of work for £6 an hour?

What are you on about? i have just said in several posts i apply for jobs everyday and call the agencies every day. i hate being on job seekers its degrading/soul destroying, i got laid of from work 2 weeks ago. being out of work is depressing.
Glazers_Wallet said:
smudgedj said:
But you would rather do fuck all instead of work for £6 an hour?

What are you on about? i have just said in several posts i apply for jobs everyday and call the agencies every day. i hate being on job seekers its degrading/soul destroying, i got laid of from work 2 weeks ago. being out of work is depressing.

What do you mean 'What am I on about?' I suggest you go back and read your post. Try top of page 9.
Ponka said:
What a load of bollocks from the OP.. The placements that the LONG TERM unemployed will be expected to work are only temporary anyway, ie they may be expected to work one 4 week placement in three months or something which I think is entirely reasonable.

So £1 an hour is absolute bollocks isn't it, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story eh?

So an over 25 bloke is on approximately £64 per week which equals £832 over three months... This would be for working FOUR weeks of 30 hours a week in that period which equals £6.93 per hour. Now I recon there are people on this forum who work for less than that so I think it is perfectly acceptable to expect them to get off their arses and contribute.

I understand that jobs may be difficult to find in this climate as many of my mates have been made redundant in the past 18months and you know what most of them have been asked when they have gone for subsequent interviews?... What have you been doing to keep your mind or yourself active whilst you've been out of work?? Employers want people who are making the extra effort whilst they are on the dole, whether that's through charity or voluntary work or whatever

So obviously teaching some of the people out there what its like to get up for work every morning and make sure they're in on time is no bad thing, especially for some of these people who have never worked in their lives. There are 25 year old lads who live near me that I know have never worked a day in their life. The only way to get these people working is to show them that JSA/benefits is not a lifestyle choice. All they're interested in doing is staying in wathcing Sky and playing on their Playstations which they can all miraculously afford even though they're on benefits. at least this governmnet is doing something rather than increasing the numbers on benefits like labour have done (i'm a labour voter btw).
That's me told then.In fact i have to say thanks for that,who would have thought when Ian Duncan Smith said £1 per hour it was actually £6.93,more than the actual minimum wage.i hope it doesnt turn out like last time though when i called in at the dole office and asked for my 50" plasma and x-box ,they were rather rude and threw me out.As you are a whizz at maths,try this one,how do you get 60 applicants into one job? not a trick question.Btw you missed an L out(i'm not a labour voter btw)
adamgregory said:
bellbuzzer said:
Dont tell me, let me guess? Your one of the long term unemployed who doesnt want to work!
you got me there guvnor bang to rights fair cop.Dont want to work any more, 44 years was enough.Never had benefits or dole either. But i am one of the lucky ones,there was'nt 60 applicants for every post on the occasions i was made redundant,unlike today.It's 'you're' by the way:)

Sort your mistakes out before correcting others. It's wasn't ;-D[/quote]
Cant even blame the PA,she is washing the 911.Gutted

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