£1 an hour

adamgregory said:
stonerblue said:
why are you giving this poster so much shit, and for no reason?

Was me he was calling a middle class prick, because I had the nerve to say I'd rather employ a Pole who will graft over a lazy English lad from the dole. Wouldn't mind I've not actually got a business it was a hypothetical point.

thats what happens on here when you talk sense.

Yes, i got that. It's easy to pick holes in Challengers reasoning but i can't be arsed. I just thought he was a bit OTT with the personal abuse.
WNRH said:
Agree with getting off their arses to earn the benefits they are given but it should not be 30 hours. It should be the amount of hours it takes to earn the full benefits when paid the minimum wage so in this case 10 or so hours.

I agree with this, if this was the case there would be no danger of these people taking jobs that decent people could do for a fair pay. I have no problem with getting the spongers off their arses but I fear that these people who know how to work the system will get away with it, the only people who will end up doing it are people who would be willing to do the job full time for a minimum wage. It could lead to more people losing their jobs and unscrupulous employers replacing them with very cheap labour, also without needing to pay for holiday entitlement or sick pay
stonerblue said:
Yes, i got that. It's easy to pick holes in Challengers reasoning but i can't be arsed. I just thought he was a bit OTT with the personal abuse.

No need mate, he's just a clown. Talked out of his arse then wouldnt come back to explain his dodgy reasoning.

Like water of a ducks back mate, get abuse daily at work.
adamgregory said:
No need mate, he's just a clown. Talked out of his arse then wouldnt come back to explain his dodgy reasoning.

Like water of a ducks back mate, get abuse daily at work.

You're an idiot and not worth the effort debating with. All I'll say is on the one hand you want people of benefits on the other hand you don't want to give them a job. Because of a stereo type that British people are lazy cunts which is far from the truth.

BTW you do know that most people that are career benefit spongers aren't actually on JSA. There actually on the sick claiming incapacity benefits or some other sick related benefit.
4th month of unemployment for me after being made redundant and with absolutely nothing out there (or if there are, they're oversubscriped)

I welcome a scheme like this, and if it affected me (which it probably wont) I'd be happy to do it.

Just hope the job market improves soon because its getting annoying being rejected for temporary data entry jobs when I know I'm more than capable of doing them! And not even having a single interview for the 50/60 jobs I must have applied for!
law74 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I was signing on for a bit in the summer until they bullied me out of it.

I pointed out to them that my degree meant that sending me on a 6 hour course which teaches me how to fill out applications and set up an email account would be a waste of time.

They got arsey, I told them to go and fuck themselves and that was that.

I refused to be treated like a piece of shit and was punished for it.

Majority of job centre staff I've encountered have been abusive and bullies. Obviously not all, I've had experiences with some helpful people who have aided me but generally they're piggie fuckers.

The unemployed are this nations scapegoat.

I find it strange that you have had such bad experiences as in my time working in the Jobcentres almost all of the staff were polite and curteous to most of the customers, though of course, when a member of the public comes in with a bad attitude this often rubs off on the member of staff, wrong I know, but that is human nature.
Now gladly I seldom have to deal with the public unless I am interviewing them with a view to removing their benefit, raising an overpayment against them and or looking to take them to court.
A much better way to work

Wow you must be one lovely fella.

I really hope your job is safe and you never experienced a debilatating (sp) illness.

I do know one story of a lad claiming JSA who lived next to the jobcentre and parked his car on the spare land that the workers used and thought only them had a right to. Anyhow he argued with one of the said workers and funnily enough had his benefits stopped. Anyhow his mate got a start at said jobcentre and overheard some twat laughing at the lad saying how he had screwed him over. It got sorted ;)
mcmanus said:
law74 said:

I find it strange that you have had such bad experiences as in my time working in the Jobcentres almost all of the staff were polite and curteous to most of the customers, though of course, when a member of the public comes in with a bad attitude this often rubs off on the member of staff, wrong I know, but that is human nature.
Now gladly I seldom have to deal with the public unless I am interviewing them with a view to removing their benefit, raising an overpayment against them and or looking to take them to court.
A much better way to work

Wow you must be one lovely fella.

I really hope your job is safe and you never experienced a debilatating (sp) illness.

I do know one story of a lad claiming JSA who lived next to the jobcentre and parked his car on the spare land that the workers used and thought only them had a right to. Anyhow he argued with one of the said workers and funnily enough had his benefits stopped. Anyhow his mate got a start at said jobcentre and overheard some twat laughing at the lad saying how he had screwed him over. It got sorted ;)[/quote]

Most people think I am, indeed I would say that when I was on front line services the vast majority of those signing in any of the offices i worked in liked being served by me, because I would always go the extra mile to help them find work. On the other hand, those that didnt want to work but were happy to use the welfare state as a comfort blanket or to boost their drug dealing profits hated the thought of dealing with me, as quite often I would make them apply for jobs and if they didnt apply or failed to attend an interview for a job i would refer them to the decision maker, and get their benefit stopped.
Now I deal mainly with those that have been accused of defrauding the system, and as I explained in an earlier post, it does give me great satisfaction catching those that have been deliberately stealing the TAX PAYERS money, that could and should be better spent on more worthy causes, like those genuinely unemployed, or creating social housing at an affordable cost (thus reducing the housing benefit costs), while at the same time I hate having to interview the lone parent that has worked for about a month to pay for her kids christmas present etc.

As for the idiot that "screwed" your mate over, that sort of attitude is as bad in any walk of life, and if the car parking dispute was the only reason why his benefit got stopped, well out of order.
Manchester la la la la said:
4th month of unemployment for me after being made redundant and with absolutely nothing out there (or if there are, they're oversubscriped)

I welcome a scheme like this, and if it affected me (which it probably wont) I'd be happy to do it.

Just hope the job market improves soon because its getting annoying being rejected for temporary data entry jobs when I know I'm more than capable of doing them! And not even having a single interview for the 50/60 jobs I must have applied for!

good luck to you fella

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