£1 an hour

It's all about opinion but if you spend one day with me and see how the system is being abused on such a huge scale and how much of YOUR money is going to people who play the system , you will have an idea what change is needed.

No one will be making a fast buck from these customers as it will be monitered by a charity , they will be helping on projects such as clearing old people's gardens up , or delivering food parcels , how can this be such a bad idea IF put to the use it should be for?

I have never heard of anyone being turned down for JSA for volunteering roles , we actually encourage our clients to do this and it's keeping themselves in a working pattern and networking and as long they can prove they have been looking for work and meeting the requirments of JSA there should be no isues.
Chrisja1000 said:
It's all about opinion but if you spend one day with me and see how the system is being abused on such a huge scale and how much of YOUR money is going to people who play the system , you will have an idea what change is needed.

No one will be making a fast buck from these customers as it will be monitered by a charity , they will be helping on projects such as clearing old people's gardens up , or delivering food parcels , how can this be such a bad idea IF put to the use it should be for?

I have never heard of anyone being turned down for JSA for volunteering roles , we actually encourage our clients to do this and it's keeping themselves in a working pattern and networking and as long they can prove they have been looking for work and meeting the requirments of JSA there should be no isues.

I have been working in Jobcentres for all but 17 months of the last 12 years and am well aware of how the system is being abused, but forced labour is NOT the way to change this, especially at a time when the jobmarket is in meltdown.
As for no one making a fast busk out of this, my experience tells me that this wont be so, just look at how worktrack, new deal jobskills etc have been manipulated by some providers to boost profits.
Over in China an employee earns 10RMB (roughly equivalent to £1, actually a bit less) an hour for working in H&M but can buy a substantial meal of noodles or rice and a drink on just 1 hours work. If they worked say 5 hours a week (and lets face it they'll probably be working more) they could afford to rent a house, not a very good one, but still they could probably live for a month on 5 hours work a day even taking into account other factors.

The question is not why are we paying the jobless so little in the UK it's why can they not afford to live on it?
supercity36 said:
great move... maybe getting a pound an hour will encourage some of the lazy benefit scrounging twunts to get a job. and no, i dont read the mail i despise the paper

will you be so keen if you lose your job because they can get someone to do it for a lot less money?

I'm a printer and I know of a printing company that has been using a scheme similar to this, a lot of the untrained staff (labourers/van drivers etc) have been made redundant and now they have people on JSA working for f*ck-all on a non-contract basis. Again its the people that want to work who can't demand a decent salary that will be punished if this is brought in! Its akin to the Torys bringing in the YTS when I was a school leaver, instead of getting a real apprenticeship a lot ended up on YTS's on £28 per week. It wasn't so bad if you got a trade behind you off the back of one but there was some who simply got a load of school-leavers in, paid them £28 for the first year then £35 for the next and then f*cked them off and got some more in. No training=No Future
King Geedorah said:
supercity36 said:
maybe getting a pound an hour will encourage some of the lazy benefit scrounging twunts to get a job.


What about those who've been working for 30 years only to lose their job due to the 'cuts' (Private and public sector). Do they deserve this?

Not at all, Fuckin joke.. There should be two different sections in the job centre one for those who've got a good work history and one for the plebs who march about like they own the place with no intention of working. Instead you get some twat talking to you like a braindead piece of shit coz your signing on. System stinks but doubt it will change for the better under the ConDems.
bellbuzzer said:
great news for the mail readers: your dreams are about to come true.Slave labour is to become compulsory for the jobless,instead of the hugely generous £65 per week JSA for applying for work ,they will now be made to do 30 hours of menial tasks,clocking on and working flat-out until they clock off,being late or 'slacking' will be penalised by loss of benefits for 6 weeks.It is not clear where the punishment will take place,some suggestions by leading coalition mp's include street sweeping,preparing food for the homeless,cleaning public toilets and gardening.The gardeners and street-cleaners etc who lose their jobs will presumably then have to join the scheme,and swap minimum wage for the more realistic £1 an hour. Although prisoners will be better off than the work-shy feckless,these measures are seen as the answer to filling the millions of jobs on offer in the job market.The beneficiaries of these new rules will be the comfortably-off who can now expect to employ maids and butlers, chauffeurs even. at a 'realistic' cost,although that cost may change as a plan to give tax breaks for 'employers' is expected to be announced soon to off-set the expense of doing a public service by employing riff-raff making a net gain likely.Although not announced ,the administration of the punishment will not be by the government, but one of the admirable private sector companies who give such great value to the tax-payer,like the catering and service suppliers who give hospital patients and school-kids such excellent meals for less than £500 a week per person. There will be murmurings from the work-shy but these measures are for their own good, in a way,and they must realise that living like a millionaire without working for it is not fair.Although the scheme will be a burden on those who pay taxes,(those on PAYE) it will be very popular with a proportion of the public,which is where the mail readers come in.5% of the population.
Dont tell me, let me guess? Your one of the long term unemployed who doesnt want to work!
charliebigspuds said:
supercity36 said:
great move... maybe getting a pound an hour will encourage some of the lazy benefit scrounging twunts to get a job. and no, i dont read the mail i despise the paper

will you be so keen if you lose your job because they can get someone to do it for a lot less money?

I'm a printer and I know of a printing company that has been using a scheme similar to this, a lot of the untrained staff (labourers/van drivers etc) have been made redundant and now they have people on JSA working for f*ck-all on a non-contract basis. Again its the people that want to work who can't demand a decent salary that will be punished if this is brought in! Its akin to the Torys bringing in the YTS when I was a school leaver, instead of getting a real apprenticeship a lot ended up on YTS's on £28 per week. It wasn't so bad if you got a trade behind you off the back of one but there was some who simply got a load of school-leavers in, paid them £28 for the first year then £35 for the next and then f*cked them off and got some more in. No training=No Future


Just like now, the people who 'play' the system will most likely continue to do so... the one's who are trying to use it for the purpose it was designed will continue to get shafted.

Also, since when has £65 a week in this day and age been considered "generous"... it works out at about £3k a year.
What a load of bollocks from the OP.. The placements that the LONG TERM unemployed will be expected to work are only temporary anyway, ie they may be expected to work one 4 week placement in three months or something which I think is entirely reasonable.

So £1 an hour is absolute bollocks isn't it, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story eh?

So an over 25 bloke is on approximately £64 per week which equals £832 over three months... This would be for working FOUR weeks of 30 hours a week in that period which equals £6.93 per hour. Now I recon there are people on this forum who work for less than that so I think it is perfectly acceptable to expect them to get off their arses and contribute.

I understand that jobs may be difficult to find in this climate as many of my mates have been made redundant in the past 18months and you know what most of them have been asked when they have gone for subsequent interviews?... What have you been doing to keep your mind or yourself active whilst you've been out of work?? Employers want people who are making the extra effort whilst they are on the dole, whether that's through charity or voluntary work or whatever

So obviously teaching some of the people out there what its like to get up for work every morning and make sure they're in on time is no bad thing, especially for some of these people who have never worked in their lives. There are 25 year old lads who live near me that I know have never worked a day in their life. The only way to get these people working is to show them that JSA/benefits is not a lifestyle choice. All they're interested in doing is staying in wathcing Sky and playing on their Playstations which they can all miraculously afford even though they're on benefits. at least this governmnet is doing something rather than increasing the numbers on benefits like labour have done (i'm a labour voter btw).
i'm starting to think this government are using cuts and the bleating of the deficit as a smokescreen for their authoritarian agenda

if this proposal is even true then it show's how out of touch they are

and like someone else has said, illegal.

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