£1 an hour

Well as one of my patients said to me of her son who is 20 and is in good health "He doesn't want a job, he's happy as he is"

What a way to run a Country, People who can't be arsed to work because they get paid enough not to. Bring this on I say, as a tax payer and employer who has the Revenue going off at me like I'm scum if my payment is late (due to cash flow) I'm sick of hearing about people who don't work because they can't be arsed.
The sooner this is sorted out the better.

Before anyone starts on about trying to find work and struggling, this is for the long term unemployed who have made a lifestyle choice of benefits. There are loads of them, I deal with them everyday x
We all probably know people who have rarely worked in their lives, they have lived off benefits for years, but I don't understand how they manage to do it year after year.

Can the people on here who work at the Jobcentre explain how they can manipulate the system so much?

How is it that you know people are taking the piss, but they still carry on regardless?

I'm not having a go, far from it, but it seems odd to me that you know, or seem to know, professional dolies, but can't do anything about getting them off the nations back.

There have been many posts on here going on about 'knowing the system', but why should this knowledge prevent them from looking for work?

In general terms, why, and how, can they get away with it for so long?
this is one big fail!

if everyone is doing gardening and litter picking then employers won't care about anybody keeping themselves busy with 'free' work.

It will soon be who you know not what you know if you want a job!

the government need to encourage companies to employee more people on smaller wages, but obviously not of the extremes of £1 per hour, we are not a third world country! For example instead of 1 person on £30,000 a year have 2 people on £15,000. Splits the work load for a more productive atmophere in a business as well as creating more jobs. Also if everyone is on a lower wage people will work a hell of a lot harder to earn promotions, increasing company's effieciency which will create more successful companies thus resulting in a stronger economy. Pretty simple to me!
Hez said:
Well as one of my patients said to me of her son who is 20 and is in good health "He doesn't want a job, he's happy as he is"

What a way to run a Country, People who can't be arsed to work because they get paid enough not to. Bring this on I say, as a tax payer and employer who has the Revenue going off at me like I'm scum if my payment is late (due to cash flow) I'm sick of hearing about people who don't work because they can't be arsed.
The sooner this is sorted out the better.

Before anyone starts on about trying to find work and struggling, this is for the long term unemployed who have made a lifestyle choice of benefits. There are loads of them, I deal with them everyday x
Couldn't agree more. I would just shoot anyone who decides to live off my taxes as a lifestyle choice and sees an appearance on the J Kyle show as a status symbol. No other Country has these people, walk around the streets of any European Country and you don't see 14 yr old girls with prams, or filthy chavs buying 60" plasma TVs on credit they'll never pay back, whilst they slob around procreating and bleeding decent hard working people dry. They disgust me immensly.
Rant over, and I meant it all by the way.
TheMightyQuinn said:
mackenzie said:
Can I just clarify something here?

If you want to do voluntary work for a charitable organisation or something that lends itself to some kind of community service then that is usually OK.

If you want to work unpaid for an employer that may be using you then that isn't. Unless it has been agreed through the Jobcentre beforehand and it is a Work Trial.

You can't expect a Government Department to condone unpaid labour. The employers out there would have a field day if that was the case. There are laws in place to protect the individual.

As for Jobcentre staff being shitty....yes some of them are. Just like any place of work really. We need to get rid of them though.

30 years service and I have seen it all.

Indeed, I've met people in the JC who are helpful and polite and I'm always nice as pie in return. It's being spoke down to that rubs me the wrong way and brings out the worst in me.

The job is to help people find work but most some to just want to abuse people they see as inferior due to not having current employment.

To be fair, Job Centre or not, if I've had to correct your spelling a number of times in the past 5 minutes and you're telling me that I need verification of my reading and writing abilities then you have to expect a slightly sarcastic response.

She also offended me on the 1st day when she changed my signing time from 2pm to 9.45am and told me 'you won't be able to have a lie in now' with a snide smile.

All I wanted to was to sign on and be left to get on with finding a job but from day 1 they did nothing but belittle me, accuse me of all sorts and attempt to fill my days with meaningless and demeaning tasks which would only prevent me from attending interviews or actively seeking employment during office hours.

You didnt sign on at Cheetham Hill by any chance did you? Sounds just like the patronising morons there, talking to people like shit on an ego trip. It seems to me they think there above you as they could possibly stop your measley £64 if you had the balls to talk back to them...
Indestructable said:
Sooner we bring this in the better. There are too many taking the mick while the rest of us work our butts off.

This seems to be the general opinion of people.

But do you know everyone elses circumstances? How many of these people do others really know? A couple, a handful maybe?

Obviously there's benefit cheats outt here, but i get the impression people have read about all these "lazy scrotes with Sky and a 60" plasma" in trhe front room and now 'everyone's a benefit cheat'.

Basically it's people moaning about something they, generally, know very little about.
mackenzie said:
Can I just clarify something here?

If you want to do voluntary work for a charitable organisation or something that lends itself to some kind of community service then that is usually OK.

If you want to work unpaid for an employer that may be using you then that isn't. Unless it has been agreed through the Jobcentre beforehand and it is a Work Trial.

You can't expect a Government Department to condone unpaid labour. The employers out there would have a field day if that was the case. There are laws in place to protect the individual.

As for Jobcentre staff being shitty....yes some of them are. Just like any place of work really. We need to get rid of them though.

30 years service and I have seen it all.

30 years and yet woefully ignorant of your own regulations.
I quote where you can volunteer from your own guidance note DWP 1023
This is when you choose to give your time and energy to benefit other people without being paid for it. You could do voluntary work with any kind of organisation, including:

a charity, voluntary organisation or community group

a publicsector organisation, like your local council

a social enterprise supporting your local community, or

a local business.

Note all are given equal prominence. It is misinformation like you're giving out that pisses people off.
Furthermore you say
You can't expect a Government Department to condone unpaid labour. The employers out there would have a field day if that was the case. There are laws in place to protect the individual.

That law will need repealing will it before IDS introduces his new scheme?
denislawsbackheel said:
mackenzie said:
Can I just clarify something here?

If you want to do voluntary work for a charitable organisation or something that lends itself to some kind of community service then that is usually OK.

If you want to work unpaid for an employer that may be using you then that isn't. Unless it has been agreed through the Jobcentre beforehand and it is a Work Trial.

You can't expect a Government Department to condone unpaid labour. The employers out there would have a field day if that was the case. There are laws in place to protect the individual.

As for Jobcentre staff being shitty....yes some of them are. Just like any place of work really. We need to get rid of them though.

30 years service and I have seen it all.

30 years and yet woefully ignorant of your own regulations.
I quote where you can volunteer from your own guidance note DWP 1023
This is when you choose to give your time and energy to benefit other people without being paid for it. You could do voluntary work with any kind of organisation, including:

a charity, voluntary organisation or community group

a publicsector organisation, like your local council

a social enterprise supporting your local community, or

a local business.

Note all are given equal prominence. It is misinformation like you're giving out that pisses people off.
Furthermore you say
You can't expect a Government Department to condone unpaid labour. The employers out there would have a field day if that was the case. There are laws in place to protect the individual.

That law will need repealing will it before IDS introduces his new scheme?

Won't that be a 'local business' that 'benefits the community' ? Ambiguous i know but they do exist.

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