£1 an hour

King Geedorah said:
As ever the government spectacularly fail to find middle ground. Unemployed people should have some work to avoid all the mental health effects of it, but obviously they shouldn't be treated like slaves.

30 hours a week is not slavery!!........I think this is a great idea!
kinkysleftfoot said:
King Geedorah said:
As ever the government spectacularly fail to find middle ground. Unemployed people should have some work to avoid all the mental health effects of it, but obviously they shouldn't be treated like slaves.

30 hours a week is not slavery!!........I think this is a great idea!

I agree
King Geedorah said:
supercity36 said:
maybe getting a pound an hour will encourage some of the lazy benefit scrounging twunts to get a job.


What about those who've been working for 30 years only to lose their job due to the 'cuts' (Private and public sector). Do they deserve this?

It's for the long term unemployed, I see people on a daily basis that have been on the dole for over 3 years, are you seriously going to tell me that there is not a single job these could have taken in that 3 years? Damn right they should sweep the streets out in the pissing rain, maybe then McDonalds or KFC wouldnt seem like a bad choice for them.
Scottyboi said:
Fuck it sell drugs people!

Don't be so stupid, there are other options such as prostitution, theft and developing a hard drugs habit.

I also think people who work shouldn't be paid. You should work because you love England, The Queen and Davey Boy Cameron. Expecting a wage for helping your betters is a piss take.
kinkysleftfoot said:
King Geedorah said:
As ever the government spectacularly fail to find middle ground. Unemployed people should have some work to avoid all the mental health effects of it, but obviously they shouldn't be treated like slaves.

30 hours a week is not slavery!!........I think this is a great idea!

ok how about forced labour as a label;or community service, that makes better PR.What will happen to all the criminals(real ones not political ones) who are serving part of their sentence doing community service ? Probably a 'charity' will invent a new name and new syllabus to mop up the grants from govnt,shame if they went to waste. i suppose in the eyes of some there is no difference between gbh and being on JSA, but it does seem a little unfair.The answer may be to make it a criminal offense to be out of work,that way entrepreneurs could have 5 million free workers at 6 times less than they pay now,the CBI will claim it should be 10 times less but then thats all they ever do anyway.Just wonder whats going to happen when it becomes more than obvious that 30 into 1 doesnt go,and that £billions of the welfare budget go to private land-lords (not saying they are all tories ,just nearly all) .Actually it already is more than obvious,just a bit inconvenient for some
I'm unemployed at the moment, and would have no problem with working for the JSA i get, although i'd say 30 hours is perhaps a bit steep, i think 20-25 would be a bit fairer, do 4 or 5 hours each morning so you have the afternoon to actually look for a proper job and the evening to relax a bit.

I haven't read these proposals, would they allow for someone to find their own voluntary work instead? Provided they do the requisite number of hours.
pee dubya said:
I'm unemployed at the moment, and would have no problem with working for the JSA i get, although i'd say 30 hours is perhaps a bit steep, i think 20-25 would be a bit fairer, do 4 or 5 hours each morning so you have the afternoon to actually look for a proper job and the evening to relax a bit.

I haven't read these proposals, would they allow for someone to find their own voluntary work instead? Provided they do the requisite number of hours.

30 hours a week leaves 10 hours a week to search.......and I would also use my 'relaxing' time to look for a job so plenty of time!

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