£1 an hour

Challenger1978 said:
adamgregory said:
Is it any wonder why foreign nationals get jobs? They are willing to work and graft when they get to work. Todays lazy jeremy kyle mob don't want to work, do all they can to avoid work and do bugger all when they actually get a job then end up back on benefits in a matter of months.

I'd employ a polish bloke over an English lad who probably wears his cap at a jointy angle and says "eee rrrr mate"

You're a wanker then.

so if youre in charge of a business, do you hire a polish bloke who will graft his nuts off, or the english bloke who is half arsed and thinks he is owed a living?
Ponka said:
What a load of bollocks from the OP.. The placements that the LONG TERM unemployed will be expected to work are only temporary anyway, ie they may be expected to work one 4 week placement in three months or something which I think is entirely reasonable.

So £1 an hour is absolute bollocks isn't it, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story eh?

So an over 25 bloke is on approximately £64 per week which equals £832 over three months... This would be for working FOUR weeks of 30 hours a week in that period which equals £6.93 per hour. Now I recon there are people on this forum who work for less than that so I think it is perfectly acceptable to expect them to get off their arses and contribute.

I understand that jobs may be difficult to find in this climate as many of my mates have been made redundant in the past 18months and you know what most of them have been asked when they have gone for subsequent interviews?... What have you been doing to keep your mind or yourself active whilst you've been out of work?? Employers want people who are making the extra effort whilst they are on the dole, whether that's through charity or voluntary work or whatever

So obviously teaching some of the people out there what its like to get up for work every morning and make sure they're in on time is no bad thing, especially for some of these people who have never worked in their lives. There are 25 year old lads who live near me that I know have never worked a day in their life. The only way to get these people working is to show them that JSA/benefits is not a lifestyle choice. All they're interested in doing is staying in wathcing Sky and playing on their Playstations which they can all miraculously afford even though they're on benefits. at least this governmnet is doing something rather than increasing the numbers on benefits like labour have done (i'm a labour voter btw).

I'm quoting the above post as it was the most sensible on the whole 8 pages and yet was missed. Quality post.<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:27 pm --<br /><br />
supercity36 said:
Challenger1978 said:
You're a wanker then.

so if youre in charge of a business, do you hire a polish bloke who will graft his nuts off, or the english bloke who is half arsed and thinks he is owed a living?

Thank you, I thought the point I had made had gone unnoticed. Great to get called a wanker because you can talk sense.
adamgregory said:
Challenger1978 said:
You're a wanker then.

How does wanting the best productivity out of my hypothetical workforce make me a wanker you twat?

If you want the best productivity for your hypothetical company why not pack up and move to India or some other piss poor country in south east asia. That way you can higher a bunch of kids and have them work there bollocks of for you for pennies a day.
Challenger1978 said:
adamgregory said:
How does wanting the best productivity out of my hypothetical workforce make me a wanker you twat?

If you want the best productivity for your hypothetical company why not pack up and move to India or some other piss poor country in south east asia. That way you can higher a bunch of kids and have them work there bollocks of for you for pennies a day.

Put your dummy back in. So all business should employ Brits just because they are Brits? You employ who is better for your company, or employ lazy Brits and watch your company go down the shitter, but at least it was English people who naffed up your business eh pal.
supercity36 said:
Challenger1978 said:
You're a wanker then.

so if youre in charge of a business, do you hire a polish bloke who will graft his nuts off, or the english bloke who is half arsed and thinks he is owed a living?

Some Polish people are lazy cunts some are really hard working same goes for British people. To turn round and say you wouldn't give someone a job because they say eee rrr mate and were a cap is bang out of order. As he's just described huge chunk of the working class people in Manchester the middle class prick.
Challenger1978 said:
adamgregory said:
How does wanting the best productivity out of my hypothetical workforce make me a wanker you twat?

If you want the best productivity for your hypothetical company why not pack up and move to India or some other piss poor country in south east asia. That way you can higher a bunch of kids and have them work there bollocks of for you for pennies a day.

what is your problem with foreign workers? maybe i can understand why youre throwing a paddy
I've applied to be Dave Cameron's personal photographer. That isn't a waste of taxpayers money.

Lots of piggies in this thread.

If they stop you signing on then you have no choice but to take what you need. Fuck it. Stay strong humans.
Challenger1978 said:
supercity36 said:
so if youre in charge of a business, do you hire a polish bloke who will graft his nuts off, or the english bloke who is half arsed and thinks he is owed a living?

Some Polish people are lazy ***** some are really hard working same goes for British people. To turn round and say you wouldn't give someone a job because they say eee rrr mate and were a cap is bang out of order. As he's just described huge chunk of the working class people in Manchester the middle class prick.

Middle class prick? I was brought up in Salford pal hardly Cheshire is it, I've had nothing handed to me and I've worked my way to where I am today with hard graft. And lets have it right I was getting at the lazy benefit takers that have been on JSA for years, not the poor bloke who has just been made redundant. But this scheme isnt aimed at the poor bloke its aimed at the lazy, they have to do it for a month, shows they can get off their lazy arses and do something, the ones who dont will have their benefits stopped for 3 months.

Or it gives the people who have been on JSA a while but have got a bit down about being out of work the chance to get out there, make contacts and give them the drive to find a job
TheMightyQuinn said:
I've applied to be Dave Cameron's personal photographer. That isn't a waste of taxpayers money.

Lots of piggies in this thread.

If they stop you signing on then you have no choice but to take what you need. Fuck it. Stay strong humans.

no problem with people taking what they need while actively searching for all jobs they could possibly do. people who take benefits who have no intention of working and think they are owed a living are whats my gripe. no idea which category you fit in

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