£1 an hour

This news is very interesting because someone I know who just volunteered to do an unpaid work experience placement has had his benefit stopped!
I think this is a great idea, after all why should we pay our council tax, PAYE etc just for them to waste it employing street cleaners on a living wage when we can just force those who dont have jobs to do the work for less money.
Now what will be next, could we pay those that work in the jobcentre less, or maybe nurses, cleaners dont really deserve £6.00 per hour either, and what is the point in employing Lollypop men and women when the unemployed could do that before cleaning the streets.
I think we could find many more jobs for these feckless underclass, should we really employ drivers for the PM and his ministers, surely there are enough unemployed people out there that would love to drive a flash car for £1 per hour.
It's for the customers who have been on JSA for 18 months , been through the JSA regime for 1 year then attended a private provider for 6 months and still haven't found a job. Trust me as a Jobcentre Manager there are more than a fair share and I personally think this is a great idea. It's work experience at the same time and if you turn up on time , do a days graft it looks great to a future employer.

It's not going to be a 40 hours week so not sure where the OP gets the £1 hour info from.
Chrisja1000 said:
It's for the customers who have been on JSA for 18 months , been through the JSA regime for 1 year then attended a private provider for 6 months and still haven't found a job. Trust me as a Jobcentre Manager there are more than a fair share and I personally think this is a great idea. It's work experience at the same time and if you turn up on time , do a days graft it looks great to a future employer.

It's not going to be a 40 hours week so not sure where the OP gets the £1 hour info from.
30 hours is the figure mentioned ,in the sunday press,reporting on Ian Duncan-Smiths final solution for the under-class. with respect one mans great idea can be viewed as an attempt to turn the clock back to victorian times.
Chrisja1000 said:
Trust me as a Jobcentre Manager there are more than a fair share and I personally think this is a great idea.

No its not, it is just another way for firms to reduce staffing costs, and who is going to administer this new "great idea" when Dave and his mates are sacking the public sector workers?
It's not a daily mail thing, it's a "this country is broke" thing. people who are on the dole, and have no intention of getting off the dole need to be encouraged into work - because all the money has gone.

The challenge is to ensure that employers do not get the opportunity to exploit people in the process. That's the difficult bit. Lets hope this is civic-based, all based in the community that the people come from. I have no problem that if people are not prepared to get on their bike, then at least they will be made to get off their arse.

My own personal experience is that when the comfort blanket is removed, then people learn to stand on their own two feet. I did.
Chrisja1000 said:
It's for the customers who have been on JSA for 18 months , been through the JSA regime for 1 year then attended a private provider for 6 months and still haven't found a job. Trust me as a Jobcentre Manager there are more than a fair share and I personally think this is a great idea. It's work experience at the same time and if you turn up on time , do a days graft it looks great to a future employer.

It's not going to be a 40 hours week so not sure where the OP gets the £1 hour info from.

Could you please explain why jobcentres refuse JSA to people who are doing voluntary unpaid work experience citing the reason being that it is not part time despite the 16 hour rule being abolished in 1998 (and never appyling to JSA anyway only incapacity benefit) when your own leaflet DWP 1023 makes it clear that claimants can do full time unpaid voluntary work and stillreceive JSA.
law74 said:
Chrisja1000 said:
Trust me as a Jobcentre Manager there are more than a fair share and I personally think this is a great idea.

No its not, it is just another way for firms to reduce staffing costs, and who is going to administer this new "great idea" when Dave and his mates are sacking the public sector workers?
obviously a lucrative contract for the private sector,out-sourced of course, so any scandal will not interfere with the pot of gold known as directors pay(up56% for the top 100 companies,much less for the top 250 company boards ,only 23%)
denislawsbackheel said:
Could you please explain why jobcentres refuse JSA to people who are doing voluntary unpaid work experience citing the reason being that it is not part time despite the 16 hour rule being abolished in 1998 (and never appyling to JSA anyway only incapacity benefit)

If in receipt of means tested benefit you cannot work 16 hours per week or more. That includes JSA, Income Support and Employment Support Allowance.
If your partner is claiming any of the above benefits on behalf of both of you you cannot work 24 hours per week or more.
You should be allowed to work on a voluntarry nature although if in receipt of JSA you must be "fit, available and actively seeking work," so if your mate said that he was willing to give up his voluntary job if and when a paid position came up then he (or she) should still have been entitled, though they would have to declare to the Department of the hours they were working.
My brother got made redundant last year. He did some work for me (gardening, for free). He enjoyed it. He wasnt on the dole, because he had savings and didnt want to scrounge off the state if he didnt have to. He preferred doing something with his day instead of feck all.

This schemes a good idea. Dole is a last resort to keep you housed and fed, not a "benefit". Doing any sort of work will keep jobseekers active and in the real world.

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